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signs from our loved ones

as shared by

my grief angels online user community

"Angels are always near to those who are grieving, to whisper to them that their loved ones are safe in the hand of God"


If you have lost a loved one, you have probably heard it from others who have grieved before you.  You will get signs soon.  When you least expected, you will see signs that will remind you of your loved one.  However, not all of us grieving get or feel these signs, so don't feel there is anything wrong with your grieving process because you do not get any of these so-called signs. In fact, there are many theories on why some of us experience these signs, and our objective in this section is not to dwell into a discussion on why or why not these signs are real, but our singular objective is to enable site visitors share what they have experienced.  

If you feel you  have experienced signs from your loved ones, we would appreciate it if you would share it with others in the form at the end of this section below. Just write it from your heart and from the "I" perspective. We want to know what you saw and felt.  In some cases, we may have to do some minor edits for length and spelling prior to posting.

Additional Sites & Resources on Signs 
At the end of this page, we have also included other sites and resources suggested to us as places where you can learn more about the subject of signs. We are not associated with any of them, and again, provide them here strictly as suggestions for others interested in this subject. If you would like to suggest others, send us an email below.


Shared by Site and Mobile App Visitors

The Photograph 



"Over 801,000 Views hours after posting this old picture of them,

put one of their favorite memories on the front page of reddit ".

Since mom's unexpected death in ICU, dad went into schock, developed PTSD, and that accelerated the onset of Dementia. While prior to her death, he was healthy, driving, and exercising everyday, after her death - his started on a steep decline that found him bed ridden and under 24/7 care less than 3 years after she passed on.

Under the supervision of an excellent mobile care medical unit, and a team of 24/7 caregivers, he was doing well at home until two weeks ago.  We got the call Friday night that his blood test results were not good, and because he had not shown any signs prior to this - both his doctor and us thought it had to be an error with the test, which had happened before. 

Saturday night we got the second test results and they were worse. After consulting with the doctor, we felt the only option was Hospice at home, and they were to start him on that the following morning.

We got on the first flight to Los Angeles on Sunday morning, and were able to spend the afternoon with him. He was alert, eating, joking, watching baseball and enjoying having the whole family together.  He had a good night and as he did most of his life, he talked in his sleep all night. Then at 5 am, my brother for no reason at all, suddenly woke up and rushed to his bedside. Minutes later, he woke us all up as he knew that dad was in his last breaths. 

Like he did every morning since her death, he called out mom's name, but this morning - she responded, as we knew that mom was there to take his hand from my brother and guide him thru. Dad had a single tear of joy from his eyes as they opened wide, and we knew - he was at last with his lifelong partner of 60 years.

This happened right before thanksgiving, and we buried him on the Tuesday of Thanksgiving Week. Two weeks to the day of his passing, we were still in a sort of surreal phase trying to understand and accept  that all that had just happened right before what we thought was going to be a family thanksgiving get together.  Then that same Friday, their favorite picture of the two of them was posted online, and within hours - it had over 801,000 views and on the front page of reddit.

We knew that was dad sending us all a sign, but specifically to our younger techie brother, because he sent it thru the only medium he knew he would get our younger brother's attention - Online/Social Media, and his message was short, clear and on the picture:

"I am OK and with mom again

A Heart

"A few days after my husband passed away

I was with a friend.  As soon as I got off the car,

I look down and

found a glass picture frame that had hearts and

it read I'll love you

always and forever.

I knew it was a sign from him."


"My oldest son Arthur just passed away 2 months ago and I had been waiting on a sign from him that he was ok. He loved Superman shirts & everyone that attended his funeral wore Superman shirts at the repast.

Three weeks after his funeral I was in Chicago for my first cousin funeral supporting my relatives and feeling a little better. When we were flying back to Texas I started crying on the plane because I knew once I got back Arthur wouldn’t be there to welcome me back home.

I was crying on my husband’s shoulder and I looked up and the passenger directly in front of me was putting his carry on in the overhead and had on a Superman shirt!

We both immediately started laughing.

My husband said “See Arthur watched over us in Chicago and he’s watching over us going back home!” I said of all the people on the plane this guy sat in front of me! "For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the LORD, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future." 

The Car

"My mom passed away 2 years ago.

I went out to her house, not a childhood home but i didn't see my mom before she died for a year or so cuz i didn't want to see her skinny and in bad health cuz that would forever be in my memory so I went out to get some memorabilia.

I went to her car and on her sun visor an angel saying you have an angel watching you. a cute ornament. She was very godly and the sweetest person, and loved angels.  I grabbed that and brought it home.

A couple of months ago I am at our local bottle return place waiting in the car and my girl friend said "isnt that your moms car parked next to us?

I had no idea my sis had sold mom's car 2 days prior. Sure enough it was.

The new owner noticed me looking at her newly bought car not knowing it was my moms.

She came out and I explained who I was. 

She said "there was something left in the backseat.

Does this look familiar? 

It was my mom's pillow that had angels on it. 

She used it to boost her so she could drive.  Very short lady.4 ft 9. 

The chances of this lady parking next me to me ,living in 2 different towns and not knowing each other,  and being parked next to me is slim to none.

The lady said she would sell me the car if I wanted it she could see i was emotional, but i said no. for some reason she hadnt cleaned the car of my moms stuff and my sis must have not known it was there . 

I feel that she was definitely letting me know she was near and I have the pillow in my car as if she was right with me.  I miss her.  I feel bad for not seeing her but we were like 2 peas in a pod.  She knew I was gonna be devastated if she left us so i know she understood my actions.

I kick my self now so bad if i could only turn back the hands of time."

 Music & Roses

"I became estranged from my dad at the age of 14. We made some contact over the years, but I did not make enough effort. My dad was my hero when I was little. He understood me like no other. Unfortunately my parents got divorced when I was 10, and to put it mildly, they did not handle it well. I eventually felt manipulated to take sides. As an adult, I went on to have my own family, and my own divorce. I should have contacted dad more. My daughters barely knew him at all. We lost him in November of 2017, and the last time I had spoken with him was Father's Day of 2016. I told him I would send photos of my girls, and their children. But, life got in the way, and I didn't send any. The only photo I gave to him was a photo of my girls and me, and I slipped it into his casket. Since his death, I get signs in the form of music. My love of music came from him, and our special bond was music from when he was young, which was the '50s. Buddy Holly was his idol, and the song "Heart and Soul" by The Cleftones, were ones we loved so much. After he died, these songs would just always sort of pop up when least expected. I have also smelled roses. Now in the last 8 years, I have lost several family members. I don't know if it is any of them sending roses or not. But earlier this week, my dad's older sister died, and this morning the smell of roses has returned. I miss my dad. I am still grieving him like it was yesterday. I'm not only grieving him and his life, I am grieving what may have been had I been a better daughter. "

The Black and Purple  Butterfly

"My beautiful daughter passed on 12/21/2016.

Recently I’ve been pointing out to her six-year-old who was before when she died, that mommy comes in lots of forms to check on him. Such as, Cardinals, butterflies, Dragonflies, sometimes maybe even lizards or praying mantises!

So shortly after having a conversation we had a mad rush of the house of these beautiful little Cardinals. And sometimes I would tell him let’s go outside and see if mom is coming today, and sure enough he will come a beautiful red cardinal.

We recently went on vacation which is very difficult for me to do without her, and we were literally bombarded with butterflies and dragonflies at the pool. I know this is my girl because I’m struggling so hard to go on without her though I’m not a quitter and I have to raise this baby. Many days, I really wish I could end it. But I will not, because she didn’t quit on me she didn’t mean to die, I will not quit on her she always says she could count on me at least I hope she did. I’m thankful for your strength I’m thankful for you to show people that you can move forward even in such heavy, crippling grief.

Attached is a picture of this butterfly that land at my office one day when I had had a really horrible week, had cried all day every day I’m so destroyed and I hide it and I compartmentalize it and I deal with it most the time but there are days that I just melt, this particular day I walked down mama eyes out went straight to my office didn’t speak to anybody sat down and looked up and there was this humongous beautiful black and purple butterfly on my window directly in front of my desk..so patiently and flap its wings back-and-forth back-and-forth back-and-forth, literally I’m not exaggerating for five minutes or more, letting me know that she’s there and that she loves me and she forgives me, that I couldn’t save her. God bless you. God bless us all."


The Rainbow

"My mother who was also my best friend passed away earlier this year, I’m late January of 2018, leaving me with an empty void in my heart and my being.

I asked her to show me a sign that she I still with me, a warm hello that I needed so much, that was in the morning...a heavy thunderstorm followed that late afternoon, and after the skies cleared, I saw a beautiful rainbow  in the sky, right in my backyard, as of it was just meant for me to see... i strongly felt that my mom was responding to me by saying “hello, I love you Alicia” in the biggest way possible! - that was my mom for sure.

She would have moved mountains, and made rainbows for me during her life, it had to be a sign from her, one of the biggest and most beautiful signs I could ever receive that my mother will always be with me, watching over me and my kids, always right by my side."

Smoke Detectors

"I know this might sounds crazy but here it goes.

My husband and I had to say goodbye to our sweet boy Duke (Labrador 12 years) and

I know this isn’t anything like losing a human but to us it hurts very very much.

Anyway. We had a vet come to our home and he passed away peacefully on his bed.

After we placed him in her car and returned inside our home my husband and I embraced and started to cry.

At this exact moment the smoke detectors right above of heads started to go off.

There was nothing cooking or smoking in the house.

I immediately looked at my husband and said, “ that’s Duke. Telling us he’s okay and leaving”.

It didn’t really lessen the pain at that moment but I have it know in my heart.

Duke passed on May 31, 2018. 💔sincerely devastated"


"I have received signs almost every day since this person left. 

I want to tell people but I want to explain about this person because I now realize this was the most important person in my life and I have so much grief and guilt- I had lost contact with this person I hadn't seen her in a while. It was my fault and I had no reason to do what I did.  No good reason.  I loved this woman since the day we met 26 years ago this month.  She was everything I could ever want in a person.  We had a great relationship but we were always with other partners or married.  But we still did so much together.  She died horribly in May.  I found out in June.  No obituary no funeral - nothing. 

We loved music, she introduced me to Metallica - she's been sending me messages through my phone (Pandora) and my boombox or car.  She seems to be picking songs- some she likes or we both liked or significant to us.  Several times 2-3 songs will start then stop then go on to other songs.  Until she finds the right one.  Long ago we had a very intimate moment and the song "crazy train" was playing.  I've heard crazy train 2-3 at the least times a day.  Also I walked into our county fair and a band was playing on the stage and their first song was crazy train. 

The other night ( I work midnight's) I went outside and found a star. I assumed it was her so I asked Rachel - Is that you? Are you OK? I love you Rachel can you give me some kind of sign?"    and I went back in and a song was already going on my radio and I asked the radio "are you talking to me Rachel?" and I got these lyrics -  

"You gotta believe me…I'm talking to you"

The Pigeon

"Like many families, we live all over the country, and as our family grows, it is never easy to get together. Schedules and Costs are major hurdles in getting everyone in one place. However, this summer for the first time we got together in New York City for July 4th, a place they would have loved to be at with us.   

And just as I was looking around the room and feeling both happy to have everyone here, but also sad that they were not....a beautiful white pigeon landed on our window and stayed there for quite some time.

Aside from never seeing white pigeons in NYC, we had never had a bird land in our window and least of all, stay as long as this one did.

Then..I got it, and smiled...

They were sending us a sign to let us know they were also there with us."

The Birthday

"I lost my dad yesterday.

It was his birthday.

I wish I knew what to do, what to think, my mind is numb & I am numb.

My mind goes back to those last moments I gave you some morphine, 

you took a breath and


You were born 6-8-19xx and I guess fate was you had to leave me on 6-8-2017"

Daphne Purple Shrub

"When I received this amazing sign from my Mom she had been gone for ten years but I still I talked to her every day. My husband and I were on holidays in Greece when I got double pneumonia and had to be rushed to a hospital. I was very seriously ill, was terrified because I coudn't breathe and was in a foreign hospital. In the middle of the night , all alone in my hospital room I began talking to her and begging her to be with me and take care of me and help me get well.

The first morning a therapist read my name on my hospital bracelet and when he saw that my middle name is Daphne told me that is a Greek name and in Greece they have a shrub with purple blossoms that is named Daphne.

My husband was staying in a hotel and on his walk to the hospital that morning saw some purple flowers sticking through a fence and picked them for me. I immediately grabbed my phone and looked up a picture of the Daphne shrub and it showed an exact picture of the the flowers my husband had brought me. I know they were from my Mom Daphne to let me know she was there with me!

We also started finding dimes in unexpected and odd places, especially if there was a health crisis happening to a family member. My daughter found a dime on the floor of the xray room when she was having cancer tests. She found another as she stepped out of her car at the hospital emergency when her husband was ill. We have so many dime stories I could write a small book. Mom also comes to me in vivid dreams looking like she did when she was about thirty years old, clothes and hair and standing in our old kitchen from my childhood so I know she is alive and well somewhere just beyond my earthly vision patiently waiting until it's my time to join her. In the meantime she keeps in touch with her dimes and flickering lights at every one of my Dad's birthday parties."

I Have  Faith

"My daughter Amy died 2 weeks ago.

I really worried about her going to heaven or not.

She visited my 4 yr old grand baby who said she talked with her.

I thought she was talking about an imaginary friend, and

it wasn't until the next morning that I got it.

She kept saying "I have Faith."

I thought it was an imaginary friend but

I realized she was repeating what my daughter had said.

"I have Faith."


"When I was growing up we took rv trips every summer from Maine to Texas and dad would try to find new routes so we didn't always go the same way.

After I had my own children we would often talk about those memories our favorite being dads favorite short cut going from Maine to Texas through Canada and yes dad still says it is shorter. Haha the day after my son passed away we went to pick up my niece from Terrell, Texas and bring her down with us to Livingston, Tx.

We routed the GPS and going from Terrell to Livingston.. 

the GPS took us to Canada .

We all laughed."


"My son loved Elmo when he was young.

On what would have been his 24th birthday,

11 months after he had passed,

I was feeling very lost. Deciding to get out the house,

I was walking past a local second hand shop and

out the front they had a basket full of Elmo dolls.

I brought them all.

Loading them into my car,

one started singing "Happy Birthday to me" and

was doing a funny dance.

It brightened my mood,

I believe it was sign from my son to lift my spirits"

The Greeting Card 

A week after his death, and upon returning home, I was having a very tough day coming to acceptance with his death.  I am an eternal optimist, but today there was not an ounce of optimism in my thoughts.  I stopped at the store to pick up some things for the kids en route home, and the lines at all the open cashiers were very long, but suddenly a new cashier opened up right next to me so I ran over to her.  

As I started to place all the products on the belt, I noticed someone had left a Christmas card on the belt right in front of me. I went to put the card away so I would not damage it, but then I read the message on the front of the card, and I knew they were sending me a message that all was OK, and that I should enjoy my favorite time of the year knowing they were ok.

 The card read: 

"With Lots of Love at Christmas, 

Mom and Dad"

The Crystal Angel

"It had been a couple of weeks since dad's passing, and I was at the supermarket getting groceries for the family gathering we were going to have over the weekend.  As I passed some of his favorite foods at the store, he came to mind, and was sadden that I could no longer make him his favorite foods.  Therefore, I decided it was time to go home for now and continue this later.  While leaving the store and still feeling sad, I see this object on the ground glittering with the sunlight underneath my trunk, and after putting the groceries away - I went to move it to make sure it would not damage my tires. To my surprise, it was a crystal angel figurine, and immediately - I knew that was dad sending me a signal.  He would always give me angel figurines and ornaments as presents because I have always loved angels.​"

The Cigar

"My Dad passed away suddenly and unexpectedly April 2nd 2015. My sister (32) and I (37) sat at her table the next day still in shock and trying to wrap our heads around planning a funeral for our Dad who we thought would be here much longer than he was. All of a sudden a very distinct and strong smell of our dad's cigar was all around us, it only lasted about a minute or less. It vanished just as fast as it came. It was so strong and we both smelled it at the exact same time, it was like he was smoking at the table. We were both sniffing the air so hard, we did not want it to go away!! It was very comforting to feel his presence with us. It kept happening a few more times to each of us separately, once when i was on the phone with his younger sister who I hadn't talked to in quite a while, guess that made him happy that her and I reconnected? We haven't smelled his smoke since about a week after he passed. It was nice to feel he was with us and comforting us during that very hard time. We know he is in heaven and at peace now, but I'd give anything to smell his cigar again. He sent us a sure sign he is in heaven..."


The Monarch Butterfly

"Fast forward to August 15th 2015 and that is the day we lost our beloved Grandpa, also suddenly and unexpectedly. I still am having a difficult time grasping the idea that my two first loves and father figures died within 5 months of each other. Ugghh. Well, at my grandpa's funeral service at the burial site a monarch butterfly was dancing around his casket and kept landing on it. It was very special and everyone there noticed it, even the priest kept pausing to watch it.  I truly know that was him, my grandma absolutely loves butterflies, always has. They were married 68 years and she will be lost without him. She feels his presence all the time.  At the funeral home making arrangements for his services, we all sat at a huge round table. None of us within reach of each other. My grandma suddenly grabbed her shoulder and had the chills, assuming it was myself or my mom putting our hand on her shoulder. It was my grandpa there to comfort her as she made sad difficult decisions. She swore one of us was standing behind her because she could feel a presence of someone standing there to comfort her, then the hand on her shoulder was a very cool thing to witness. The funeral director told me that people ask her all the time if she has experienced anything weird or unusual because of her job, she said that was the most intense she has witnessed, she looked shocked when it happened. So hopefully my Dad and Grandpa (my mom's father) are really enjoying the afterlife and I pray they visit me again somehow someway in the near future. Until we meet again my loves. Thanks all for reading and for sharing your personal signs."

Mother's Sign

"My mother passed 5 years ago, she wad in so much discomfort. We would try to assure her it was ok to l let go. I knew it was a matter of time, so she tries to comfort me , by telling me not to worry. She told me she would always be with me. I said but I won't know when you are. She said whenever I see a butterfly that's is her at that moment. I have seen butterflies before like anyone else. But I live in Colorado now , and I have seen her in the dead of winter every year since she passed. I am so grateful for the gift  of my mother . And the greatest gift of time my best friend Paula, gave to me. Thank you"

The Door-Bell

 "My father passed away on Aug 31, 2014.  About two weeks after I would be sitting in my chair in the living room the door-bell would ring and there would be no one at the door when I answered it.  This went on for about 4 weeks, a different day of the week could be Tuesday one week then maybe Friday the next week.  

 After 4 weeks it stopped. Then my wife of 39 years marriage passed away on October 21, 2014, about two weeks after her passing the door-bell rang at 10:30 in the morning, no one was at the door. Then again at 2:30 pm the door-bell rang again no one at the door. This has gone on for a couple of weeks and now it has stopped."


The Voice

 "After my son pass a few days I hear his voice tell me

"it's okay mom, I love you"

It was the last time I heard my son's voice. 

Though it was a dream but I was awake crying. 

He was always my comfort when I was upset."

J & A (Los Angeles, CA) - "Message in the Window"

"Dad went into a deep decline after Mom's death, but he still insisted in staying at their home of 40+ years, and we needed to find someone who would help take care of him at home. While Mom was dying, we promised her that we would take care of him and that we would try to keep him at home. We found many potential caregivers that could help but we worried greatly about how to know who would be best for dad. We worried about all the nightmare stories of elder abuse by caregivers, etc. Lost a lot of sleep and the last day before having to choose someone, I was having my usual morning coffee looking out the front corner window to see the sunrise and meditating quietly for some guidance. As the sun started to appear, I noticed the window facing the sun had a smudge on the right bottom corner, and as I was about to get up to clean it, I started to notice letters in the smudge. The letters spelled out a short name. Then it hit me, the letters spelled out the name of one of the caregivers we were evaluating. That was a message from Mom, and that was the caregiver we selected. "

F (Fort Lauderdale, FL) - "Rainy Sunny Day"

"After her unexpected death, I could not get myself to leave the hospital. I was outside with my eyes fixed on the clouds above for hours. I kept waiting for a sign that she was ok. I prayed for a few drops or rain to let me know she was ok. No signs. Finally darkness came and friends somehow got me home but don't remember how. 

Close to six months after her passing I had finished my work early and headed to the beach for a few minutes of ocean solitude and meditation. It was a very hot summer day and few people were there so I picked a lonely spot and began to remember her as I looked at the ocean waves. I tried not to, but could not help feel the pain of missing her. It was still as raw as when she passed. I wasn't looking for signs, I was just in pain.
As I was feeling the very hot sun starting to burn, I felt a drop of water on my shoulder, then another one on my head, then another one on my face....but there were no clouds over me in this very hot clear summer day..then more water drops on my legs...I looked around and did not see any rain..then I got up and went to the young woman who was closest to me and asked her if she had felt the rain...and as she looked up at the sky she said "what rain?"

Then, I knew. The rain drops were from her."

"On Memorial Day weekend, families discuss feeling the presence of lost military members"


"Greg Gassen remembers the motorcycle trip he made last year to honor his late son, Jacob, an Army medic. The rain poured down on both sides of the road but not on the street where he was riding.

“It was like Moses parting the Red Sea,” Gassen recalled Saturday.

Gabriella Kubinyi was walking on the beach after her Navy husband, Jeff, died last year. She saw scores of dolphins swimming by, and one swimming alone, seemingly by her side.

And when Patricia Kenner visits the grave of her Marine Corps son, Kenneth, and becomes emotional, she hears his voice say, “If you’re going to cry, you might as well leave,” just as he would say in the hospital.

Such signs, voices, apparitions and premonitions can sometimes be a crucial aspect of grieving and healing."

CB (CT) - "The Butterfly"

"I had seen Ghost and other movies and TV shows where people who had passed on gave their loved one a sign from beyond that they were ok.  I asked, searched and analyzed everything, looking for a sign to guide me, to believe in that my Dad had not suffered in vain. But none came. Or so I thought.About a month after Dad passed, three separate events happened within a couple weeks of each other, all involving a Monarch Butterfly.  

The first,  while sitting on the back porch at the beach. I was reading a book drinking ice coffee, looked up and noticed a Monarch butterfly perched on the big pot of yellow roses. It hung out for what I thought was longer than normal, then left.  

The second, was a couple of days later. I was reading the Sunday paper while sitting on the back steps at my Moms house in CT. and another Monarch about the same size as the first, flew down and perched itself on the herb plant in the planter next to me. The butterfly was so close, I thought it was reading the paper.  

And the third time was the most bizarre. While walking down the street in New York City where there was no garden within blocks, a Monarch Butterfly, about the same size as the other two, flew down and perched itself on my left shoulder.  It hitched a ride for a couple long city blocks, and then flew off. 
A friend was with me and told me of the significance of Butterflies and rebirth. I told him of the other two events and he said that was definitely your Dad. You see Dad liked to read at the beach; read the Sunday Sports Pages; and knew I am left handed."

Eric (Washington DC) - "The Empty Seat"

"I am gay and married but the sign I would like to share is about the first man I loved and passed away four years back. There are people we feel a special connection with and he was one of them for me. I have no doubt that we lived many past lives together before this one and will live more in the future. The day I met him I felt an energy I had never felt before and from that moment on that energy grew. When we were together it was as if two different types of energies made one beautiful light.  It was about six months after he died and I was sitting in church on a very hot humid summer day. That day was no anniversary or special in any way. It was just a regular Sunday but my mind was not on church but on memories of him. Then I realized that the church was completely packed but the seat directly in front of me was empty. There was nothing wrong with it and all the other seats in that row were taken. It was just the seat right in front of me and as I am realizing this, a ray of light from the stained glass window high above is shining right on that seat and mine but it wasn't hot. It was cold, it was cooling me. Right at that time and without any doubt whatsoever, I felt the same intense energy that I had felt the day I met him. I knew it was him telling me he was ok."

Paul (Phoenix, Arizona) - "The Call"

"I was on my first plane ride after her passing and kept looking out of the window not understanding why this was happening to us. She was not supposed to leave us this early.  But in all my grief I just wanted to find out she was ok but I knew there was no way I would know and that made that plane ride a very long one.  After we landed and still in a daze I walked to my car and turned my cell phone on.  It showed a missed call and when I looked to find out who had tried to call me, it showed her cell phone number. I knew she was ok."

J(NYC) - "The Doors"

"I was at a Church gathering last night on the subject of Grief. I could not accept the fact that I was at a Friday night gathering on Grief because I still cannot accept the fact that he has been gone now for several years, and I am still in pain.  As all this was going thru my head, I heard the  large door behind me open, but when I looked back, it closed by itself, and there was no one there. Ok, it must the air. However, a couple of minutes later, the other door to my right then opened up slowly as if someone was coming in, but again, there was no one there.  We were on the second floor with no windows or doors open so there was no wind or gusts of air. Then, I felt his presence right beside me.

The hairs on my arms stood up, and I knew.  It was him. He used to have the bad habit of just walking into rooms without knocking, and every time I would call him on it,

he would close the door, and then open it again & come in. 

He was there to tell me that I was at the right place this Friday night."

Victor (Newark, NJ) - "The Briefcase"

"Mom's death was unexpected and due to a mistake by the hospital staff.  Even though I warned them that something was not right, that her coloring was white and that she was screaming with pain, they told me over and over that it was ok, that she was just depressed.  She wasn't, she was bleeding internally, and she died from that.  I could not sleep, and barely function. I had not been a believer in the mediums that claim to talk with the dead, but I was so desperate that I went to one in Los Angeles at the suggestion of a friend.  Prior to going to my session with the medium, I had a conversation with mom and told her, If this is real, I will need some sign from you that it is.  She did believe in all this, and would often try to get me to go, but I would refuse.  I took an object from her and put it in my briefcase, out of sight of the medium.  A few minutes into the session, the medium tells me that she keeps saying something about a dog, "Did you have a dog?", "Do you have a dog now?" "She is very animate about this dog". Then I knew, I told the medium that no we did not have a dog, and I do not have a dog, but then leaned down to my briefcase, opened, and took out a stuffed dog that mom had given to me when I was a young boy, and I still carried with me to this date. That was the dog. Mom was ok and was sending me a sign she knew I would believe."

Justin (NY/Puerto Rico)  - "Snoopy"

"Mom died at a work accident when I was 14. I even think that we had some signs before her death. I kept dreaming of a big construction crane and flowers. At the same time, we kept getting all these flowers coming up in our garden at the wrong time of the year. It was not until later that I learned that the meaning of my crane and flowers dream was that there was a big change coming our way. Mom's death was not only a shock, but just not believable. Our parents are always supposed to be there, not be gone with no warning. I was so in shock that I did not even want to know all the details of the accident.  The signs came a few weeks after mom's death.  Mom's nickname was Snoopy, and many times, even to this day, when I am having some of the worst days, I somehow will encounter a snoopy or snoopy figure or picture on those days.  One of the first times it happened I was shopping with my family and not feeling like wanting to being at the store at all. I was missing mom and nothing in the world seemed right, but as my brother lifted a box from the display in front of us, there it was a large Snoopy was right behind it and starring at me. I sensed it and knew immediately, that was mom telling me that everything would be ok.  That is only one of the many times in my life that Snoopy has appeared, but in all cases, it has been on tough days. Thank you mom."

Nancy (CT) - "The Bath"

"My friend and I have been friends since college.  I had never met his mom, but had always heard all about her, and she had heard of me thru my friend.  She even prayed for me when I was having serious medical issues.  I am a very detailed oriented person, and always check everything before leaving my home. From making sure all the appliances are off to the lights being off in every room, and all windows locked.  The day my friend's mother died, I came home early around 1pm. Upon opening the front door, I heard the sound of running water.  After checking the kitchen, I ran to the bathroom where I found the water in my bathtub running.  The problem was that I had used the shower for the last week, and no one else had entered my house; nor was there any construction going on. I even checked with my neighbors, and none of them experienced this. Right in the middle of my confusion, my friend called grieving, and as I was talking to him, and not knowing why I asked him if his mom liked water and baths.  Still crying, he said "my mom loved baths and showers, and I know that the last few weeks here at the hospital she wanted one but could not due to all the equipment they had her connected to".  Then, I felt it and knew.  My friend's mom was here."


Paul (NYC) - "The Beam of Light"

"For the past 15 years of my life I have gone to the same church, and sat in the same seat, with the exception of sometimes in the holidays when the church gets really crowded. The Church is nestled between two buildings so very little light ever comes in and the area where I sit never gets any sun light at all.  This past Sunday, I sat in the same seat as always and for not apparent reason while I was listening to the reading of how Jesus appeared to the fishermen, I started to think and grief over mom.  It has been a few months now but it feels like yesterday.  I kept looking at the beautiful painting on the top of the church where a Saint has a beam of light coming to him from the sky, and I remember how much she liked that painting.  It was becoming a very painful mass for me and right when I was about to give up and leave, I got very cold and at the same time I was being blinded by a beam of light coming in thru one of the stained glass window on the side of the church. Light in here? impossible? and then I looked around and the light was only hitting my seat and the empty seat next to me. It was mom."

John (Maryland) - "Laptop"

"It was the day after she died. I was on my laptop, and had to start doing all the planning. Had to start letting people know. It was the worst of times and I did not want to be doing that at all. I could not even believe I was actually looking for a funeral home for her. My laptop was only 3 years old and I had never had any problems with it. Then in the middle of the online search for funeral homes the laptop goes dark and two lights start to blink.  Never had a problem with the computer and now this.  At first I thought it was just bad luck, but as I sat there crying starring at the machine. I felt a voice inside telling whispering that the blinking lights was her way of telling me she was ok and that I should do what she always would tell me. Turn off the computer and go outside."

David (Florida) - "The Leafs in the Storm"

"I was looking out the window at church, and the wind was blowing very hard. Leafs were flying everywhere, and no birds in the sky.  I was missing mom very much, and just wanted to know that she was ok. As ridiculous as that sounds for someone at a church service, it was what I was feeling and needing. Just confirmation that she was ok, but I also did not know what to ask for. I just asked god if he could just send me a simple sign, anything, but something I would know was a sign that she was ok. Then out of nowhere, what I thought were leafs flying came closer in view and they were two birds in my window when there were no birds in the stormy and windy sky. I knew mom was ok."

Beverly (NYC/North Carolina) - "The Light thru the Clouds"

"I wasn't able to be there when my father died, but my family that was at his bedside told me and took pictures of the Ray of Light that suddenly appear from what had been a very cloudy day and lit up his bed.  I know that was my grandparents helping him on to the tunnel of light, and letting us know that he would be ok and with them."

Dolores (Texas) - "The Red Cardinal"

"Sometimes,  signs can also signal that things are going to be okay. When my 
paternal grandfather died 27 years ago, I was sad and sitting by my dining room 
window.  Since I resembled my grandfather's mother, he was quite fond of me and 
so proud of my accomplishments.  I was reminiscing when all of sudden, a bright 
red cardinal perched itself in a bush right in front of the window.  My whole 
time living in CC, I had never seen a cardinal in our area. For some reason, it 
brought such a peace over me. It was as if my grandfather was letting me know 
that he was at peace and not to worry.  Later that week, my parents saw a 
cardinal at their home which was quite a distance from my own. 

When my daughter was physically assaulted in 2010, I stayed with her at her 
apartment.  Not knowing how serious her injuries were, I was beside  myself 
with worry and grief. All of sudden, this red cardinal appeared on her balcony. 

I remembered that sense of  calm brought over me decades ago, and took it as 
another sign from my grandfather that everything was going to be okay.  By the 
grace of God, my daughter did not suffer a broken collar bone or a punctured lung as 
we had thought. 

This past summer, my daughter learned from her boyfriend's mother that she too saw a 
cardinal when she lost her husband and parents all in the same year."

Barking Molly

"Just after my husband died -about 25 minutes -

my dog Molly started howling uncontrollably at home where she was being looked after by a relative of ours. This continued for a few minutes. I and my daughter were told this when we got home after saying our goodbyes.

My husband always said he would find a way of letting me know he was ok and he was as close to our dog as he was to me.

He was distressed in the final days that he couldn’t see her and I believe she was the first one to be visited by him once he reached the other side.
I hope this has been of some comfort"

State of Rest Before Sleep

"My brother passed away in 2014.

I was staying in a nearby hotel, and with him as much as possible when he was in ICU.

He was writing a book I found out after he died about astral projection.

He was somewhat religious, but not a church regular.

I was back in my hotel room and attempting to get much needed sleep when I spoke out loud "there are seven angels flying over your head".

My husband thought I was dreaming but I was not. I was in the state of rest before sleep, a semi-conscious state. I recall being somewhere that I felt my brother there, his presence, but I could not see him.....it was a sense that I just knew he was there.

However, I was scared because I felt it to be a place not for the living.

I could not find my way out, and I was actually talking coherently to my husband that I didn't know where I was, and I couldn't get out....I fought being there.

It was around 3 minutes total, and my conscious mind was able to finally free myself.

Here's what's amazing.

My brother went brain dead at the same minute I found out from the hospital. He was on life support, but all brain waves stopped at the same time I saw ; when I say see the angels it was more of a known fact, I do not recall seeing them but I was no longer in my bed, and was with him in this place I can only explain as purgatory.

It was something I've tried to explain and rationalize to many even in the church, but I don't feel anyone fully understands.

I truly believe he was trying to tell me goodbye and it was how he knew to do it since I was almost asleep. I only regret I wasn't receptive and was very scared at the time because it was not a place I felt I should have been.

I've looked all over the internet for similar stories but find none.

My brother was a Lt. Col USAF fighter commander who was not the typical person in that he had extensive knowledge of Quantum mechanics and physics, Astral Physics and Quantum jumping. It would be interesting if anyone else had anything similar ever happen."

The MyGriefAngels Brothers (Los Angeles, CA) - "The License Plate"

"First Sign - The first one was 6 days after her departure.  

We had made plans to fly dad to Houston to spend time with my brothers's family and children. We thought spending some time with the nietos ("grandkids") would help to keep dad busy and entertained. He loved sports and the three boys were in all sports; from baseball to soccer to football and others. 

After Mom's service and everyone's departure, dad was very sad, and we decided to make an appointment for him with his local priest - just to talk about it before our upcoming flight to Houston.  

We parked at the church's parking long, and started to walk on the sidwalk towards the entrance to the rectory.  The rectory and church are on a busy street, and usually lots of cars are parked in front.  That Tuesday, only one car was parked in the entire half block the church and rectory covered.  The vehicle was a White Van, and it happened to be parked right in front of the entrance to the rectory, where we had to turn left. 

As we walked towards the rectory, I was so tired that I was just looking to the ground, but as we got to the entrance, something inside told me to look to my left, and as I did, I saw the sign.

My entire life I was called by my middle name by my folks.   It was only when we got to this country, that I had to go by my first name, and my parents were too used to my middle name to change.  My middle name is not a common name in the US, and definitely not in Los Angeles. In fact, I had never seen my middel name in any of those pre-made mugs, keychains, not even other kids with the same name.  The only place I had seen my last name written anywhere was in Paris when I was going for my morning run, and saw a graffittin wall that said "Amaury Negotiations". To this day, I have not clue what that was about, but my middle name is Amaury, so it was a pleasant surprise to see it written somewhere for the first time; even if it was graffitti.

As I looked over to my right to the White Van parked, I saw its license plate, and that was the second time I had seen my middle name written anywhere, and definitely, the first time in LA.  The Licence plate was "AMAURY1".

I knew that was a sign from mom and told my brother right behind me to take a look at it. He thought the same thing.  However, the sign was not just to say "I am Ok".  I knew the sign was telling us she wanted us to pay attention to what was about to take place in the rectory in the talk with the priest.  Therefore, I turned to my brother and said - I have no clue what the talk is going to be about, but Mom wants us to pay close attention to it.

We sat down with the priest, and we didn't tell him anything about the sign so not to take focus away from his talk with dad.  As he asked dad how he was doing, we expected dad to tell him how sad he was, but what came out of dad's mouth floored my brother and I - He went on and on how he thought he was going to die in the flight to Houston because he was afraid of flying and thought he was going to have a heart attack.  He went on and on.  

At that time, we knew what Mom wanted.  Dad had always been afraid of flying because of an emergency landing he was in a while back.  His flight lost an engine en route and had to make an emergency landing in the middle of a snow storm.  After he agreed to take the plane with us to Houston, we thought he was finally over his fear, but he wasn't. 

Mom had always told us not to push him to fly in the past because she was afraid that he was older and could medical problems in the flight from his fear, so we had not. 

Mom's sign was again telling us to pay attention to his fear, and drive him - We did."

The Futurist

"Second Sign - We are still not sure of what this sign means, but this past Sunday night, our younger brother could not sleep all night, and my middle brother had nightmares about my younger brother in Houston, so unexpectedly he called us that monday morning to share that with us, so my younger brother could be careful.

Today, Tuesday, I drove Dad back to our family's home, and upon entering the house, I found one item had fallen from the fireplace's mantel, but nothing else was disturbed. All Picture frames were standing, and everything elese on the mantel was there.  The item on the floor was my younger brother's "Futurist" award, and it had not broken, nor had it fallen directly in front of the fireplace (brick bench where it would have broken), but it was further away on the carpet, so it was not broken, as if someone had placed it there. 

After asking our neighbors whether there had been any earthquakes in the last 3 days, and being told that there had not been  - I knew that was Mom, and between that sign and my middle brothers' dream she was clearly telling us something about our younger brother.  However, we have no clue as to what, but we immediatly called my yonger brother and told him to wear his medic alert (which mom had always insisted he should wear)."

Rose that Grew from Concrete

"When my mom passed away I was only 21 and it was very hard to go through.

I felt alone in the world and angry I lost my mother.

She struggled with addiction my entire life.

I watched her slowly slip away.

I turned to poetry which is something my mother and I both love.

She would write poems for me often to express her love for me.

I stumbled upon the poetry book ,

"The Rose that grew from the concrete" by Tupac Shakur.

My favorite poem was "When ure hero falls ".

One day I returned back to the home I grew up in with my mother.

Right by the gate to enter the backyard was

a beautiful marigold flower growing from a crack in the concrete.

I had an overwhelming feeling that I just knew

it was a sign from my mother.

I couldn't believe it was there.

I asked my family members if they purposely had planted the flower that way.

They didn't but I was so shocked, and in disbelief.

It brought me so much comfort.

I took a photo of the flower and I will cherish it forever."


"I am only 16 years old, and my Mama passed away on June 20, 2020.

The night after she passed

I began to smell her perfume all around my house.

She has not moved on,

and I don't think she will

until she knows for certain

that her babies are safe and happy.

I feel her every day"

Zoom Penguins

"This is not a sign from my loved one, but

one that I was witness to

on a zoom call

when a young man who lost his partner

to cancer joined a group call but seemed

preoccupied with the magnitude of his loss and

the fact that he would soon be facing

his first holiday without his loved one.

And while he was sharing his thoughts

with the zoom group and his doubts

about joining the group on that evening -

he started to smile and most of us

could not figure out why until he

asked one of the group participants

about the 3 small stuff animals

that were barely visible behind her - in her shelve.

She said they were penguins, and

with a giant smile - he shared how him and his partner

called each other Penguins for

most of their time together,

and even had most family members

always get them penguins for

birthdays and holidays...

I am not sure if he realized it

when this happened, but

for me - It was clear!

This was the first time I had been witness

to a sign from our loved ones on Zoom.

For me, I felt the penguins were a sign from

his loved one that it was going to be OK, and

that he was at the right place and with

the right people in this group.

That's just my opinion"

Flashing Colors

"My husband past a few weeks ago..

after a 40 year marriage..on our anniversary.

I have been seeing flashing colors on my phone and

a rainbow in the sky at night.

The TV came on twice,

a door open and

insulation panel flew off the wall by itself..

he and I custom cut it and fitted in...

its almost impossible"

The iPhone

"I received a 911 text from my sister early on November 16th and

I knew someone had died...it was just a feeling.

It was my mom.

She was 93 and seemingly fine.She slowed down the past year but,

I knew she would outlive us all.

At 93 she looked 20 years younger and was lucid and sharp.

I was quite surprised.

So,my sisters and I took care of her, just the 3 of us and with COVID decided to have her life celebration at a later date after things settled down.

The next day I was in my bedroom opening a dresser drawer.

I opened the drawer with my left hand.

My iphone was in my right hand and my iphone was turned OFF.

Here’s what transpired and mind you I’m not overtly religious or,

I’m not embellishing what happened At All.

I open the drawer and say out loud,

”Mom,if there’s more to this you gotta send me something”.

My IPhone immediately goes on.

The album is “This is what you want,this is what you get”, by Public Image Ltd.,

of which I’m a big fan...The song was “Bad Life“. Needless to say...I nearly Sh$t.

I immediately called my sisters.

They freaked out.

There’s No Way I had my phone turned on.

It was OFF.

Could be a mere coincidence or ???? IDK.


"Does my mom love me and

is she watching me?

I lost my mom on Sep 9th because of covid and

I couldn’t go to her funeral bcoz of pandemic.

I want to know whether my mom is watching me and

does she still loves me and

does she have any message for me"

The Purse

"Mom passed away about 2 years ago, and

dad passed on a few years before that.

I still have not been able to give away or throw out their things,

and while the holidays are always a hard time for me,

I still treasure them because the whole family gets together

at our long time family home.

This year of COVID, that is not happening at all and

while I have  still decorated the house like they would

want us to do, I was still having a hard time with the season.

So in an effort to keep occupied,

I started to collect some of their items I could donate to the

many families in need this holiday.

An hour after starting and stopping and with some tears en route,

I come across a purse she loved to take on her travels

and it still looked new so I was about to put in the donation box,

but something inside told me to search it first, and

I did, and then I found a sign from them that was loud and clear.

In one of the inside pockets, I found $200, and

I knew it was a message from them that I was doing

the right thing in looking to donate to all these

families facing a very tough Christmas,

so I used most of the money found to buy toys

for different local toy campaigns. 

The isolation of these holidays may still be tough at times,

but this simple sign told me that all would be ok, and

that there will be many other christmas, but

this christmas we all have to take care of each other"

The Motion Light

"Could not sleep, so got up very early at 5am and grabbed my tea.

I went into the den and pulled up all the blinds so

I could see the sunrise.

I passed right in front of the motion light by the sofa,

but for some reason, it did not turned on, and

I didn't think much about it, maybe it needed replacement.

Sitting and drinking my tea on an early Sunday

waiting for another christmas sunrise

and realizing how much I missed her, but

right at the moment when tears were starting to form,

the motion light which was at least 10 feet away from me,

and with no other motion near it,

came on.

I knew she was sending me a sign,

and the tears still came out, but

they were tears of joy

because she was sending me a sign

that she was ok"

Walking Through a Door

"My step-father passed away in October of 2019, my mother in June 2020.

After my mother passed my brother accused me of stealing all of her items and money.

I was the executor of her estate.

If you have been through this then you know it takes months if not years to settle a estate.

My mothers was very simple, pay a couple bills and wait. I was so upset and stressed over what my brother was putting me through so I no longer was able to talk with him.

After having a very long and rough day I went to bed,

I remember walking through a door and a long hall way with few curves,

I remember seeing flowers on the walls and pictures of stairs leading no where.

I believe I was looking for a certain room.

I walked in front of a door, stopped and decided to walk through the door.

Once I was in the room I saw my dad sitting against the wall in a chair you would have in a class room or a meeting room... He had his shoes on that he always wore,

the tan slacks and patterned shirt he liked.

He looked at me and I just starred at him,

he look over at my mother who was sitting against the other side of the wall and I looked the same direction and was only,

I feel like I was allowed to only see her legs and feet. Her legs were crossed and she was bouncing her foot that was crossed on her other leg.

I could not see her face, I did see her hands sitting in her lap.

Next thing I know I'm looking back at my dad and he looks and me, then looks at mom and says.. Oh oh Patsy, we have been busted....and he chuckles .

He then said to me " We will always be here for you "

Next thing I know I'm walking out of the room and I wake up..

I will never forget that. What I don't understand is why I was unable to see my mother's face....

I talked to both of them a lot, and I love knowing they are together now.

My mother missed him so much. I hope to see them again and talk with them..."

Candle Smoke

"I lost my father less then a week ago.

Every day since I smell smoke.

The only smoke smell it reminds me of is

when u blow a candle out.

Am I imagining it?"

Flickering Lights

"My Mom had passed from Congestive Heart Failure.

Just a couple of weeks after she passed I heard her voice in my ear

while standing at my kitchen sink, just like she was standing next to me....

she said, now I can be there anytime you need me.

I asked for a sign a couple of weeks later that she was ok.

I was in the shower and the lights flickered off and on.

I asked my husband if he did it and he said he was downstairs and no he didn't."

Red Heart

When my mother passed away

there was a red heart on the arm and

then gradually dissappeared!


"After my dads sudden death, i consulted a medium.

She said my dad is giving me bouquet of white flowers.

At first i didn't think of it because my dad and I were both not so fond of flowers.

The next day, something was telling me to go to the shore to smell fresh air.

So we all went to the shore with the rest of my family.

We passed by a church and there i saw white flowers.

I thought that was the sign but on our way home, inside the car,

me, my mom and my sister smelled freshly picked flowers that lasted almost 1 minute.

We thanked dad for not leaving us. We miss him a lot. We know he is still with us.

He kept his promise that he will never leave us.

My dad was the kindest, most loving person i have ever known,

he loved us unconditionally. Love truly never dies."

Knock On Front Door

"I was alone in a private house were my mom lived for 65 yrs.

I was waiting fir husband/clean out service.

On phone with cousin and said hold on hear knocking at front door.

No one there ! Said to my cousin on phone how strange.

Was def an aggressive knock 3/4 times.

I assumed it was my husband as parking is tough in Brooklyn and

bell sometimes doesn’t work.

Was a frustrating knocking sound.

Reading could mean such different things..."

The Dream

"My mom had a dream about her dad who has passed away almost 7 yrs ago....

that he was in her craft room she's been setting up and

he had a pretty box and he handed it to her

with a picture of me in it - I was wondering what does that mean?"

Did My Dying Father Visit Me When He Died?

"Early in the morning on the day my father died, around 3:00 AM, my husband woke me up.

He said I was screaming, attacking him, in my sleep. His cheek was bleeding.

This is not normal behavior for me. I never could go back to sleep.

As my day went on, I tried to reflect on what I was dreaming to make me behave that way.

The only thing I could remember was that someone was falling, and I was trying to grab them. This is all before I knew anything at all was wrong. Around lunchtime, a police officer came to my door to tell me they had been called by my dad's workplace to do a wellfare check on my dad when he failed to show up for work. The police found him dead, at his home, in bed.

They believe he had a heart attack. He had a history of heart issues and there was Nitroglycerin tablets found spilled out on his coffee table. They told me they estimated his time of death at being very early that morning. I am wondering if he was dying when I had my dream, or "nightmare". I am wondering if he was scared, as my dream was not a peaceful one.

He was only 62, lived alone, and had worked the day before. It was all very sudden.

Do you think my dream was a coincidence, or it meant something?"

Two Rainbows

"I lost my Dad march 9, 2020, 3 weeks before my birthday.

My Dad was a good man, we didn't see eye to eye all the time and

in my older years we grew apart. 1 month prior to his death in february

he came to visit me and we had the best 2 hour talk over dinner and drinks.

A month later he was gone from a heart attack suddenly

on the golf course with no pre existing conditions.

After his funeral procession, I went to collect his personal effects from my step mom,

on the way home over the highway as I was driving

2 rainbows emerged together in unison over the horizon and

I just know it was him. I'm trying hard to cope still a year later"

The Car

"I was driving my husband to a dr.appointment yesterday,

when all of a sudden, I felt my son’s presence so strong in my car,

it made me very emotional, I had to focus to drive ,

it last 15-20 minutes,it will be 2 yrs since his death on April 14th,

I miss him every minute of every day "


"My father passed away unexpectedly on 11/2020.

On the morning of I received a call from my grandmother.

I didn't answer right away because I was using the restroom

(lol, but this plays a role in my story I swear).

She left a voicemail, one that repeatedly plays in my head daily.

She was sobbing, gasping for air she said "Jordyn honey it's grandma,

I need you to call me back as soon as possible." I knew, instantly.

I was standing in my kitchen when I called her back,

she said "daddy passed away today."

I fell to the floor.. screaming "no no no" over and over.

Crying, shaking, wishing it wasn't real.

My boyfriend heard me and instantly ran out and grabbed me.

It was just as much a shock to him as it was to me.

I couldn't believe it, I didn't believe it.

So I called my mother, and told her I was coming over.

I showed up still shaking, frantic and in tears. I told her and she broke too.

In the days to come I had to prepare for his funeral, which was out of state.

I flew out to his home with my sister. I wrote my eulogy,

which I didn't think I would be able to read at his funeral.

After his funeral all my family went home and it was just me in my fathers home.

I was going through his belongings, finding that I wanted to keep for myself and

what I would donate to Veterans in need (my dad was a veteran so we knew

that's what he would want) I tried to remain happy while going through

the home my father had his last breath in. I played happy music,

tried on his clothes and just danced around.. until I came across

his toothbrush in his bathroom.. there was blood on it.

My father passed away in his bathroom

(which is ironic because I was in my bathroom when I found out he passed away).

Finally after a full 12 hours of no tears, I broke into a million pieces.

I was crying on his bathroom floor. The day my father passed away I logged into Facebook,

I never go on there but I needed to connect with family.

One of the first messages that popped up was from my father saying

"congratulations on coming out sweetie" with a rainbow emoji.

While I was sobbing in his bathroom I went back to reread that message,

just to return to crying more. As I lifted my head from my hands

to gasp for air I looked at the wall of his bathroom and saw a rainbow..

a perfect rainbow.

I felt as if I was being hugged with the tightest embrace from my father.

Then it hit me, he was with me.

He saw the toll his death was taking on me so he gave me a sign.

The day I left his house I had to say goodbye to where my father took his last breath.

I came home and in the days to follow I saw several rainbows,

right outside my bedroom window, while driving, everywhere.

I saw rainbows everywhere. The one piece of happiness that was keeping me going.

I decided to document it, every rainbow I saw whether it was my father,

the weather or just a coincidence. I knew that in that moment I fell to pieces

my dad was there to pick up some of the pieces

even if he wasn't physically here with me."

The Penny

"After Daddy died 2/9/1995 2days later in my dreams ,

Moms Alzheimer’s came out 1 week later she died 12/1/199.

I was alone with both when passed, they did not die alone.

One nite before bed turn off tv and sat on chair to take shoes off.

Immediately heard like a slow scratch on top of 5ft cabinet I looked up, no cat up there, no fan, then all of a sudden a penny came off the top of counsel and landed 3 ft off on to floor.

Internally felt a weird feeling then out loud said hi Mom & Daddy,

I know when they are here.

Been startled/saw by cloud figure passed pass.

I look forward to their presence and say hi and

I love you both so much"

Rainbow Over The House

"I lost my husband and my step daughter and

I saw 2 rainbows and

a day or 2 after his passing

a rainbow appeared over the house"

The Cell Phone

"My deceased son's, (Alan) cell phone

reads "disabled" on screen (as we tried a no of passcodes, so disabled),

phone has no provider service But it rings/vibrates often.

Ring lasts a very long time. Sometimes loud ring, sometimes softer.

One evening cell rang, though very softly.

After it stopped I said aloud "Alan" that was a very soft ring.

In just few mnutes it began ringing loudly.

I have researched for an explanation; can find none."


"My mom passed away two years ago.

My brothers didn’t tell me she was dying in hospital

until it was too late to get there and she had been in for weeks.

I felt something was wrong and was calling her.

I was hours away.

My mom and I had our worst fight in our lives together the last I saw her.

Actually we never fought.

I moved into the house she left me but I still can’t get rid of her stuff.

There had previously been a darkness in this house even when she was alive.

I couldn’t stay here long.

But I recently have been using sage and natural ways to get the energy positive and

I must say there is such a difference.

I’ve felt my moms presence and have been talking hoping she hears me and

apologizing for our rare fight and not getting there in time.

I just reconnected with my father after 25 years.

Our first time out doing something together we were shopping at Walmart



I asked him to walk by her but he wouldn’t.

I actually think she was my mom and too scared to admit it after talking with him later when I told him who it was. She had been very sick and was painfully thin her last couple years.

I walked by her a few times and her hair was the same in every way.


My dad and I stepped into another isle and just as fast as my unknown reason to walk over to that isle and saw her; I searched for her and she was gone.

I am going through yet another tragic but the most difficult time I’ve had to endure in 51 years and this ones with my youngest not yet teen son.

Was my mom there to tell me she’s there for me and loves me and

I’m doing the right thing in regards to my son or what?"


"I have had these 2 "postcards from heaven" from my dad who passed in 1973.

It's been very plain to me. The first time was 3 years ago.

Dad always told me I sing like an angel.8 loved to sing and he said that constantly.

He was always encouraging.

So when people who heard me sing told me that

they thought I sang like an angel and they said it just popped into their head

I knew it was Dad coming through to me. What a comfort.

The second time was two days ago.

A friend and indeed on Catalina Island for the day.

This is a place that has happy memories for me and Dad.

My friend turned to me and said Ready Freddy?

My jaw dropped and I asked her why she said that.

She said it just popped into her head.

Well my mom and dad always said Ready Freddy and then Ready Eddie

every time they left the house together. It was their thing.

My mom was named Frieda and dad called her Freddy.

I knew that was Dad again. I thanked him for his hello and presence."

The Charm

"My mom passed away recently in November from pancreatic cancer.

The other day, April 21st, was my birthday so my husband

took me to buy me a charm for my bracelet.

I picked out the charm that I wanted and

then I decided I want two more so I noticed a heart shaped charm and

it was cheap so I purchased it not paying any attention to the details of the charm.

Surprisingly, when I got home I looked at the charm and noticed it had wings on it.

On one side it said “my angel” & on the other side it said “mom”

Floating In The Air

"My Mom & Stepdad passed on the same date 27th in the same year 2012, 8 months apart. My stepdad died in January and my Mom September. My Mom's birthday was in January and my stepdad birthday was in September This has never happen to me before. I was 58 years old when they passed. I was over all arrangement for both.

During their viewings at each service it was like a halo 3D vision over their eyes and they winked at me. My 7 year old granddaughter saw the same. I never said anything to anyone until she said papa wink at me. I thought I was losing my mind or over whelmed with grief until my grand daughter spoke.

As I was sleeping I saw my Mom floating in the air, smiling at me and this soft beautiful voice said death will come on the 27, it was the 25th of September. The voice was so sweet with tranquility and so peaceful that I did not want the voice to stop talking. The voice stated it twice. Death will come on the 27th. My Mom died September 27th at 6:30 p.m. My Mom had been in hospice for over 2 weeks. Doctors told my family my Mom will be gone in two or three days, this was the 10th of September She lived over 2 weeks. I got sick while being there with my Mom, went to hospital due to Afib & sent to my Mom's home to rest because I live in Texas and she lived in Memphis. The vision happen while I was sleeping on the couch in her home. "

Tweed Bomber Jacket

"Three days after our son died ..I went for a walk with the dog ..

the Avenue is so quiet you can here a pin drop..

I was on the phone to our granddaughter..

for a few minutes while talking all thoughts of our son went out of my head ...

I just happened to turn round and I saw him as clear as day stooping and

opening my car then I heard the door click shut ..

He was a lot younger and had on his favourite tweed bomber jacket he had when he was 16

..I wasn’t frightened I couldn’t believe what I had just seen...

Unfortunately my family don’t believe it

they say it’s grief but I swear to god I saw him."

Unwrapped Christmas Gifts

"I watched my mom take her last breath 12/24/2020.

I didn't want to be in the room because I knew it would break me permanently but

I knew mom's biggest fear was passing without us there.

I held her hand as they woke her from sedation.

She had cancer and was bleeding internally...they intubated her and the bleeding couldn't be stopped. When she opened her eyes I could see the fear. She was fine before they intubated.

She looked at me and I began to sing to her, her favorite song that she always wanted me to sing.

I could see the tears well up in her big brown eyes.

She knew.

She was scared but she knew.

They let us say goodbye before putting her back under.

Momma didnt get to tell us how she felt. She took her last breath at 1:27 pm.

My husband and I didn't want my dad (her husband of 23 years) to be alone that night

so we stayed at her house.

Walking in was hard, there were unwrapped christmas gifts on her couch.

I swallowed down my grief for my daddy.

Later that night I dreamed of her,

she was standing in her bedroom looking out of her window.

She stayed facing that window and said "look babygirl, look momma has her hair back".

I began to break down in the dream asking her How can I live without you momma?

How can I go on mommy I need you"

It was at that moment that mom was standing in front of me holding my face.

She said close your eyes baby girl. So I did.

She said no matter what I am always with you. I'm right here.

I felt her touch my chest right where my heart is. She then said. Now, I love you bye. I woke with the word by echoing so loudly, so loudly in my ears. I stared into the dark and burst into tears. Momma was gone. She was really gone. I want so deeply to believe that was my mom showing me what I never really believed in. That there is something after and that she is ok.

I still struggle everyday with her death. She was only 46. I'm 30.

I take comfort in that dream visit though.

She got to tell me what she wanted to but couldn't due to being intubated.

She has since visited both of my sisters. I love you Julie Ann. I miss you everyday.

I got her a tattoo on my thigh since.

It reads,

"If there ever comes a day that we can't be together,

Keep me in your heart...I'll stay there forever."

The Phone

"It was in June 19th 2021,

I over hear my niece talking with my Momma and she was upset,

saying she had a dream that this female who had curly hair was struck by a car,

she didn't see her face but it was someone in our family, My Brother passed away August 5th 2018, and everyone says they have dreamed of my brother one way or the other since he's been gone.

I on the other hand have not, God knows I wished I did but havent, being he was my best friend.He was my only brother whom I was with everyday of the week and

took care of him till he passed.

He made me promise that I wouldnt leave him to die alone so I fulfilled that promise and never left his side. On June 19th my niece has this dream, two days later I and at my brother's old house, getting ready to move in this coming month and was redoing the floors but it had gotten late, and at the time I had moved back home with parents till the house was ready and we were done working on it. So being my parents are elderly I try to come home at a decent hour because the dogs will bark and wake them up and then they have a hard time going back to sleep, and I have to hear it the next morning...

But on June 20th I lost track of time and it realized how late it was and had to go home and sneak in quietly, while doing so I dropped my phone in the kitchen and realized my camera was on because it flashed so I turned it off and went to bed..

The next morning I grab my phone and it on photos and I look at what was on my screen and it was a silloette of my brother leaning against the refrigerator with his hand in his pocket.

I panic'd and showed my mom and sister who were unsure at first but now believe it was him only because of what happened.

The following day we get a phone call and it's my nieces mother telling us that she was hit by a car crossing the busy road in the crosswalk by a woman who was going so fast she was flung over the car and on to the road. She literally had to crawl to the curb because on coming traffic was coming and could of hot her as well. My niece has curly hair and I believe my brother showed up on my phone to warn us.. "

The Paperclip

"My Dad passed from Covid.

It was an error on a family member that assumed it was allergies.

They used his fax machine and was in his house for about 10 minutes.

A few days later Dad became ill.

I got him a covid test, he was retired and wasn’t around many people at all.

It came back positive. I was nervous because of his age.

5 days later he had trouble breathing. Mom called 911.

One week later he passed.

It’s been so hard to process this. My family is in shock.

My Mom also had it and thankfully had a mild case.

This has been a devastating blow to her.

He used to give me money sometimes, he was just that way.

He would always fold it and paperclip it.

One day, I was having a really bad day about his passing and

found a paperclip.

I knew it was him.

Love you Dad .. [❤] ️.. [💔] Miss you Forever."


"Why do I suddenly smell my dad's scent

years after he died"

The Flash

"My grandma recently passed away,

I’ve been seeing cardinals and been getting random scents of a woman ,

last night I heard my dad crying over my grandma.

I woke up and stared directly at my door

when I saw a bright light flash

quickly on the photo I had of her on my shelf next to my crucifix.

I knew It was her visiting"

Her Song

"My mom passed from an aneurysm after a traumatic brain injury in 2018.

Last night at approximately 12:20 am I was awakened in tears.

I had heard my mom singing a song she made up for me during bath times when I was little.

It was so distinct and so clear I get goosebumps typing this.

We lost my father-in-law just over a week ago and I don’t know if it’s all connected,

but this was one of a few things I have experienced since my mom passed.

Also about 6 months after she passed,

I was still struggling with my grief I had a similar experience where she whispered

“Ashley..., I love you.”

With that experience I would actually feel her whisper.

Here’s hoping this is her reminding me how strong our bond was/is."

The Address Number

"I keep seeing our old address 553

I said to myself mom's saying hello...
Mom's watching over me"

Her Best Friend

"I lost my mother in 2013 and

now her best friend I have learned may pass any day.

Her daughter told me that 2 weeks ago

her mother wanted her to reach out to me to tell me the news.

I’m saddened to hear about her decline

but I’m overwhelmed with honor

that she wants me to know she will be leaving this earth.

Could my mom maybe had hand in that at all?

Is she waiting on her friend? Or is it bigger than that?"

The Red Explorer

"I saw my grandfather/dad's red explorer

after school yesterday on the tenth.

I was shocked and emotional.

My grandfather's red explorer was burnt and crushed down long time ago

before he passed away on July 5th. I

saw burnt marks all over the red explorer, and tears came out of my eyes.

My grandfather was probably giving me a sign.

For we used to go everywhere in that explorer.

And it got burnt and crushed.

But before my eyes it was there and it reminded me of us."


"Brother's Suicide.

Three random people told me my brother didn't commit suicide and

the day it happened I heard what sounded

like a platoon of soldiers running thru the house"

The Flight Change

"My mom had been suffering from Copd for over 2 years and

I decided to take a trip to Vegas to see her.
I had made my plane flight for April 2021.

I ordered my ticket online in December 2020.

She hadn't been feeling good lately and

our 3 o'clock phone calls were no more than 5 minutes because her breathing.

I decided to change my plane flight to February instead of April

because I know anything can happen at any minute and

I was worried so February 17 2020 i took the flight.

Had not seen her in 5 years and she did not look good at all,

Not even her skin color and she was skinny,on oxygen and very outta breath.

On my visit she signed up for hospice and

i thought that was wonderful what they had to offer her.

I felt at ease. I stayed about 9 days and had to make it back home to Kentucky.

She passed away March 27 2020,

There was a reason i changed my flight!!

I miss her to much,RIP momma,No more suffering!"


"I lost my parents and soulmate,

all in less 4 yrs,

I have received many signs from all three,

music boxes playing,

animated Santa moving a few inches,

without a Battery,

sounds of my father calling Freddy,

it’s so heart whelming and such True Love"

The Kitten

"My 4 month old kitten keeps going to a photo of

me as a infant,with my deceased grandparents.

She stares at it quite a bit in the mornings.

This has been going on for 2 months.

She seems fascinated by it. It us a very old picture.

So the colors are very muted.

I lost my grandpa 30 years ago and my grandma 2 years ago.

I was very close to them both. But my grandma was my everything."

The Talk

"My father has 4th stage Prostate Cancer.

When we saw him at the hospital today...

he said he talked to his deceased mother.

I've been praying and asked her to look over her son."

Her Call

"My moms house is empty.

I had to go to her house for something.

While walking thru her bedroom,

I heard her call my name very softly."


"My mom had alzheimers

she passed away in my home...

and I think she was pulling my toes

she use to wake me up this way when I was a kid"

Woke up this morning

saw a RAINBOW,

it almost brought me to my knees

"The subject title is a lyric I wrote,

for a song that keeps circling around in my heart and head, and

I have been trying to complete it for months.

My dad passed away on Thursday 2 December 2021 in hospital.

I had been with him all day.

He had been getting progressively worse

over the course of the day without me fully realizing it.

The doctors said they were bringing him to ICU and

his stats remained the same through the day

so I understood that he was going to be okay -

he had pulled through this once before.

He told me he was dying, that his time was up.

I didn't hear that. I just told him he would be fine,

they were going to get him to ICU and on to a ventilator.

They didn't manage to do that.

My aunt came to see him and he got angry at her, told her to get out.

The doctor told us not to talk to him because we were agitating him.

So we decided to go and have some food,

then my aunt would return to see him before she went home up the country.

I double-checked with the doctor and they said they would call me if anything changed.

We enjoyed our meal. We talked about dad. We wondered how this would go.

I was intending to stay the entire night. I felt it was going to be a long night;

that they were going to get him to ICU. I felt the rest would do him well.

I knew I would need energy for the night ahead of me.

Then we made our way across the road to the hospital.

My phone rang just as I got to the door. Come quick, he is very unwell.

By the time I got up to the room, he was getting CPR.

I stared as they gave aggressive CPR and I just said 'he's gone.'

I knew he was gone.

They wouldn't let me in to the room.

Eventually they changed their minds and let me hold his hand and

I saw a flicker on the monitor - a dotted line that moved into an arch.

Numbers appeared. And just as quickly, it went back to being a flat line.

I knew that was him.

He came to say farewell.

He knew I was there.

The next day I begged him for a sign,

after I left the priest who was taking the information for the funeral service.

I got home and

there was a double-rainbow right on my doorstep.

I thought huh, that means he found mum up there and they are letting me know.

The next day at the funeral home,

another very strong rainbow again right at the door.

And then on his funeral day,

a beautiful rainbow right outside the church

stretching in an arch over the hospital building where he died.

A coincidence? I have never seen so many rainbows.

I see maybe a 1-3 a year. 3 in one week?

Right on the doorstep?

I like to think this is my dad

letting me know he is OK and

he is still with me."

The Birthday Gift

"One if my friends got me a gift

for my bday today Dec 10, 2021.

it was a glass cube with my mother’s face inside and

my boyfriend and i were in my room and

it fell on the counter and broke by itself."

The Cloud

"My husband passed away 4 months ago

and he is with me now .

I see signs from him just about every day.

The best is I have a picture of a cloud and

he is laying in the clouds.

I just took the picture did nothing to it."

The Whisper

"I heard my mam whispered my name and

also few weeks ago I felt her hand while I was in bed

I wasn't asleep

I was also holding her hand when she past away

I don't know if she knew I was there with her that day

I'm still crying my heart out today she past away 2 year ago

I still get flash backs to this day

has she met up with my dad in heaven is she ok"

The Visits

"I loss my mother to Covid-19 on April 25, 2020 and

I have been struggling with this.

She visits me at times or send symbolic things to grab my attention.

Her last visit sort of frightened me

but I know she wouldn't hurt me.

I have joined a grief counselling group through a local church

as well as a grief counselor every Tuesday for the past year and

I'm not sure if it's helping me or not.

I feel like someone has the hands around my throat choking me

and I cannot breath while ripping my heart out of my chest while I'm awake."

The Family Friend

"My Dad had recently passed.

I had not been sleeping well during the week of his passing.

On the long journey back to my home,

I was thinking what are you doing in heaven today Dad,

what is on your agenda?

A while later I fell asleep and I had a dream.

The dream included a white In Memorial card of a family friend

who had passed away 20 years earlier.

The image of family friend smiled at me and

said "He's doing okay" and disappeared.

I had not thought of this family friend in years."

Hail Storm

"My mother passed on November 13th

after a complicated surgery.

She was only 55.

When she passed I told her I know she will be mine and

my daughter guardian angel and

that she can go be at peace.

While she has a tube in her mouth breathing for her.

All of a sudden while I'm saying my goodbyes her heart stopped.

Two and a half hours later it hailed really bad.

Was that just a coincidence...?"

Phone Signs

My mom passed a week ago tomorrow.

She was 60years old.

Last Friday she was doing good.

I feel like I've been getting signs from her on my phone.

But I'd love to know if she is here with me.

I think I've seen her face in my sleep."


"There was a handprint on my window...

Is it a sign from my deceased son?"

Letters Never Sent

"I live in my deceased mother's home

that she also passed away in.

Here recently I have been coming across letters she wrote me

while I was incarcerated but never sent them.

Why all Of the sudden am I coming across these letters?

What is she trying to tell me?"

The Date

"I had been asking my husband for pictures of all the family

to create and album before she had been killed.

He didn’t give me any.

Then days after she past he went and saw his other sister and

when he got home I asked if he brought me a picture to add to my album.

He went to the car and gave me a picture of

his sister who had just been killed (not the one I had asked for)

on the back she had wrote 3/24/19 me.

We just got our adopted son 3/24 of this year right before she died and

he was born in the year 2019.

I felt that was her way of letting us know

she was with us and our new baby.

Who takes photographs anymore and definitely writes a date on them.

The date has zero significance to our family at all.

Except, we are huge Manning fans and

come to find out a few weeks ago Payton Manning’s birthday is 3/24.

It is comforting to know she is still with us."

A Dog Named Zeus

"My best friend who was male died unexpectedly in July 2016.

I had been in a relationship going on 5 years when

domestic violence occurred about 6 months before my friends death.

My friend would always express his fear that I would get lonely and

return to relationship in which he knew I would be killed.

About a week after he died a dog showed up.

He had no collar and I could not locate owner.

I fell instantly in love with the dog.

I started feeling like my friend sent me the dog (Zeus)

to ensure I didn’t get lonely and that I have protection.

Zeus was with me when I had first seizure. He would lick my face and tug on my arm.

It took a day and half before someone came to home to check.

The following year the man I started dating was at home:

I was asleep and he said Zeus started jumping over me and swiping his paw at him.

At that time he didn’t realize that Zeus was trying to let him know

I was getting ready to have a seizure.

He thought he wanted to play. He said I started having seizure and

Zeus went into protective mode.

I know deep in my heart my true friend sent me Zeus.

I have never bonded with any of my pets from the past like I have with Zeus.

The day after he died I asked why out loud and my lights flickered.

He introduced me to Jason Aldeans music.

When I have down days out of the blue “The Truth” will come on and

I know it is David letting me know he is near and it will be okay.

David was the brother I wish I had with my actual brothers.

He loved his children more than anything and I wish he was here for them

because I know they miss him every day too.

Thank you for this site I am thankful to be able to share and

read that others have experienced similar.

Rocket Man & No More Tears

"So I just got off work.

Was crying on the way home

as I normally do in the car thinking about my mom

who passed a month prior at age 58

from ovarian cancer that metastasized to her bones.

And when I got home I sat in the car flipping through classic rock Channels

hoping mom would send me a sign in an Elton John song

because her favourite song is "Rocket Man by Elton John and

we played it at her funeral which she planned.

Anyways I flipped through and landed on one playing

'mama, I’m coming home' song...caught my attention

I googled what song had the lyrics and

the first thing I seen was 'mama I’m coming home'

by Ozzy Osborne from the album "No More Tears, 

as I’m sitting there crying asking her to send me a sign.

I felt in my heart it meant something and I do even more so now.

Felt she was telling me no more tears, I’m still with you.

Might be crazy. But might not be.

Anyways just wanted to share that"


"My father had my brother when he was very young and gave him up for adoption.

My father didn’t believe that my brother was his child and didn’t have any involvement with him. When i was 6 years old, I used to ask my mother and father unknowingly if i had another sibling. What child would ask such a question? I believe to this day, that my brother was trying to tell me who he was. Later at 14 years old, I found out that I did have a brother, just by random guess. My mom was the one who told me and told me he passed away at age 32. The signs I have gotten from this have been unexplainable. My lucky number is 23, I was born that day, my elementary school number was always 23, my nans birthday was 23 and I used the number everywhere and seen it everywhere. Recently, i’ve found out that his lucky number was 23 as well. He died on the 23rd, on his tombstone in big numbers, is the number 23, he was 32 ( the numbers switched around), and his son was born on the 23rd (i believe). I see that number everywhere and feel it is a sign from him he is with me and knows who I am...I know my brother is with me even if he is not physically here. "

The Open Door

"About five weeks after my sons transition,

I left my house shutting my door and as usual left my door unlocked.

I wasn't gone long.

I came back and as I was pulling in driveway my alarm text stated door open.

I yelled asking neighbor if she had seen anyone at my home.

She said no but check cameras.

The door was open and I walked in and realized no one was there.

I sit down and screen shot the alarm text because I felt an angel opened it for me.

That night I told a friend and she asked what time did the door open.

I looked at the photo and it opened at 11:29.

The date of his transition was 11/29."

The Bedroom Butterfly

"My husband has sadly died Christmas eve and

morning felt sad on my own went into his bedroom and

saw a butterfly I felt very happy

couldn't believe it as I have several rooms in the house and

he chose the right one"

Pennies & Dimes

"My mom passed away suddenly from complications with pneumonia.

My mom suffered with many illnesses in her life. Late stage lupus, survived, breast cancer, double mastectomy, survived, bifebral bypass, survived, lung cancer, survived, fibromyalgia, rheumatoid arthritis, angina, mini strokes, numerous broken bones the list goes on.

My mom was a fighter. She was married to my dad for 55 years when he passed away.

She depended on him. After dad died I tried to do what a could for mom. Her groceries, prepare her meals for the week, clean her house, prepare her pills each week, do her hair for her sometime, whatever I could. This went on for almost ten years. I sat with my mom almost everyday in the last ten years. I had my own issues with my back, spondylothisis, my foot had broke and necrosis was evident I needed surgery, my ankle was very bad and I would also need a knee replacement. When my dad died shortly after the funeral I started to find dimes everywhere almost everyday I knew it was dad letting me know he was near.

Shortly after my mom's funeral I opened my linen closet and look in there everyday, I saw a shadow and reached to pick it up, it was a penny, I started to cry, my mom always called me her bad penny, jokingly of course. We don't even use pennies anymore, how and why?

The next day I came home after being at her house, I go everyday, I noticed I wasn't feeling any pain in my foot, knee, ankle and back. I could move, i could go on my tippy toes, something I couldn't do for three years. My mom prayed for me always that I wouldn't have so much pain. My mom had great faith and belief in God. I prayed so much for my mom every time new illness showed up. My mom suffered a lot and now I believe she has no pain and God has rewarded her with her prayers answered. Love you mom"

Home Security Camera - Flashing Lights

"After my spouse passed, my son installed the RING camera in my home.

When I turn out the great room lights and disappear to the bedroom,

my camera has picked up balls of light and lights zooming across the room.

One even zoomed following me when I went into the his office.

One morning when I went out the front door, I heard very audible bells in my screened lanai.

I know these are his signs watching over me.

I am now away in another state visiting son,

these lights are not on my camera while I’m not there."

The Ornaments

"My father in law passed away last week

We came into his apartment to take his belongings

Last night I was putting Christmas decor away very late like 3 am

And I heard like an ornament was rolling twice

I asked him directly and

then a charger fell

How can I know that it was his message"

Puff of Cold Air

"Hello..my daughter passed away 04/18/2020 we were very close to each other..

I dream of her fairly often..

this one particular night I wasn't asleep and

I distinctly felt a gentle puff of cold air on my cheek -

it happened twice within minutes of each other.

I'd like to think it was my daughter."

The Deer

"My mom was very ill and living at home with Hospice and around-the-clock nursing care in November and December, 2017. Before this, one of her favorite pastimes was to sit quietly and watch deer from the window to the back yard - most nights there would be two or three.

That winter, there had not been many. Eventually, her condition worsened and Mom was transferred to a Hospice house. Four days in, she died there.

I was in the room with her along with other family, and minutes after she passed, a doe and a yearling walked through the woods and went straight up to the window and peered right in the room. The deer did not spook when I walked to the window and took numerous photos.

She just stood quietly, gazing in at us, and then slowly walked away.

It was surreal and we all just observed this and didn’t really talk about it until much later.

On my next visit home to see my dad, I was making dinner and looking out the window into the back yard. A deer came and then another, and another, until I stopped counting at 18.

They stood across the river and stared up at the house.

We talked and had lights on, but they stayed for about a half hour.

Only one deer crossed the river and stood in our yard—a small doe.

Every day for a couple weeks after that, she came to the yard and just stood there a few minutes. But then the visits stopped.

A woman who lived downstream told my dad she had seen her, too, and strangely had been able to feed her corn - out of her hand.

I know these were signs from my mom.

I had asked her, while she was at Hospice, to let me know if she was okay after she passed.

To give me a sign so I would know and not worry.

I fully believe she did that. And she came back to check on my dad when he was alone.

Things a mom would do [❤️] "

The Dream Hug

"I was feeling so sad about 5 days after my grandad passed.

I asked God for a sign to show my grandad was looking down on me, for anything to happen. Nothing did.

That night I dreamt of my grandad and

in the dream I knew he had passed and was so shocked that I could see him.

I thought I won’t be able to hug him but I was able to in the dream and could physically feel him.

I know my grandad couldn’t give me the comfort I needed in the real world but

even in my dreams he was there to make me feel better."

The License Plate

"My really good friend died who I loved very much and

on Christmas day 5 days after she was buried

I saw a license plate on front of me while I was driving

with her name on it"

The Tabacco Wrapper

"I see a particular brand of tobbaco wrapper every where I go

which was used by my father

intially I ignored that

as I'm grieving I'm overthinking

but this has increased as the days go by

I come across these wrappers multiple times a day"

Country Girl

"Julie was always my country girl.

he loved her Luke Bryan and we saw him in concert a couple times.

About 6 weeks after she passed away I was sitting in a casino

that we had gone to a few times and

I heard a significant song of Luke Bryan’s that

we both loved to listen to just relaxing in bed together listening to music.

As I hear the significant part of the song in the casino

I hear about 45 seconds of it just like I was wearing headphones only I wasn’t.

After that part of the song the rest of the song and other songs were played like normal.

But for that 45 seconds it was like it was playing in my head.

That part of the song we would laugh together as it had special meaning to the two of us.

I believe she made sure I heard that part of the song by putting it in my head"


"I lost my Godmother Kathy, a few years ago.

Her and I were instantly connected when I was 3 years old.

I remember being 3 and asking her while she held me in the pool “will you be my Godmother?!” She immediately said “YES!” And she was. She was my second mom.

We had a special bond. She beat cancer 2 times then the third time came around.

She was tired. She was ready to go home to God. She planned her entire funeral.

On her death bed, I gave her a stuffed animal bunny that we’ve passed along back and forth to each other during hard times when we lost one of our pets.

She bought it for me initially to keep me comforted as

my 8 year old Guinea pig died when I was very young.

The first time I gave it to her, was a few years later and I was a young teen and she lost her bunny rabbit. We passed it back and forth a few more times. The last time was her death bed.

My Godfather told me the second it hit her hands, for 4 weeks she never put it down.

She would hold it and pet it as if it were real. When she got sick, she was ready to fight it again. She told us her lucky number is 7. That’s how she knew everything would be ok. Not knowing then, but knowing now, I believe this was a message from God telling her it’s ok, she’s going home and she wouldn’t have to fight or suffer anymore. She would see the number 7 everywhere.

All her Dr appointments were on a “7”. One was 7/7/17.

She was positive about getting thru this round again.

As time went on it got harder and harder for her. She didn’t want to be a burden on her family anymore. We told her to come live with us and we’ll take care of her. She didn’t agree because her family would still have to see and know she is going thru too much.

One night my husband and I were driving from Boston visiting our son, to Florida,

then to Georgia to pick up some things for my father in law.

My husband was asleep and it was 3:37 Am (Gods numbers.

Kathy, like myself loved Gods numbers!) and I looked down at the GPS while driving and

it said we were 777 miles from Our destination.

I instantly said out loud “Hey Kathy!” I knew she was with me!

I got goosebumps everywhere and

I couldn’t believe 777 miles left to go right at my favorite place to look!

I had been driving silently talking to her in my head during this.

Not even 30 seconds later, I passed by Richmond train station (my favorite building I’ve been drawn to since I was a kid. I thought it was a church up until this year!

I always starred at it as we drove past and always took a pic or video of it!

I’d also ask for someone to wake me up out of my sleep just to look at it and take a pic!) and as soon as I passed the train station, I looked to my right (which i never did bc I always was too infatuated with the train station on my left to ever notice anything on the other side!)

I saw a huge billboard that said “YES YOU SAW 7s” from a lottery billboard ad.

I didn’t question for one second after seeing this that it was my Godmother and

she was telling me she’s with me and everything is ok

I talk to her everyday and always asking for a sign from her.

This one was the most clearest signs I’ve ever experienced"

Yellow Roses Rainbow

"At my dad's grave, his birthday today the 13th March,

arranged the yellow roses and

after saying how much i love and miss him

i ask him to please now be my daughters guardian angel,

i get up to leave and a rainbow broke through the cloud,

all the way down to the entrance then disappeared."

The Drive

"My 20 year old son passed away on May 9th 2020 almost 2 years ago.

I swear it seems like yesterday, not a day goes by that I don't mention him or cry.

Well at the time of his death I was out of state in Arizona.

My son and I had made plans for him to try college out in Arizona

being that California colleges were so expensive.

I took the first flight back home to California to work out the funeral arrangements with his father. The second day I was in Fresno, CA where he lived I was driving early morning to his house and right as I turned down his street I heard my son very clear but faint,

he said "Im sorry mom, Im sorry."

He died of an accidental overdose due to a Fentanyl laced pill he thought was Xanax.

When I heard it, I just started to cry because it felt so good to hear him just that one last time.

I love and miss my son more that anything in this world.

At night before I go to sleep I look up and say,

"God has you in his hands, but Ill always have you in my heart." I love you Jojo."

Favorite Hoodie

"So my father passed away only over a month or 2 ago ( January),

he had suffered alcoholism throughout his life as much as many of my family did

but he died of a accidentlly overdose,

recently I started to notice strange things happen, doors would open and shut,

things would disappear and reappear,

In the corner of my eye sometimes I see his shadow walk past me in the night

I rub my eyes and he's gone,

I feel him close as when it came to his funeral I managed to get his favourite hoodie and

a photo of him and me when I was a baby,

we never had the best memories growing up as I didn't see him for 6 years

but when I saw him he always tried to make the most of it by going on days out

and travelling around the city, I always feel his presence near by because ever since he left something has never left me,

I don't know if its due to the grief as a 18 year old

should never have to say goodbye to their father or any parent at that age,

I knew something was up that night when I couldn't sleep like something was keeping me from sleeping, weird stuff happens everyday and I reply I'll say I know your here dad or I love you dad and everything's just stops happening and goes quiet, what does anybody do with a loved ones item's I always think to myself like do I box it up in a memory box I don't know but I know he always loved me and I'll forever treasure the time I spent with him"

The Coin

"My husband of over 40 years

past suddenly and this morning

out of the blue I found a coin in my bath tub?

My husband saved them from all over and

I have a whole collection of his in his room, untouched,

could this finally be a sign that he is reaching out to me?"


"In April 2004 my older sister Jaclyn passed away.

She was 13.

I had a horrible time with this as I grew older and

lived with horrible survivors guilt.

I regretted every positive thing that happened in my life

because it was a moment she would never have.

I tried but I just couldn’t believe that she was anything but unconscious and dead.

Fast forward to August 2020 and

my 58 year old father fell extremely ill

with Covid 19 and was on a ventilator for weeks.

His heart was going into arrhythmia and he had a horrible prognosis for survival.

Anyway, he did survive and the first thing I asked him when he left the ICU was

if he remembered anything of the experience.

My father is very logic driven and extremely unemotional.

He sort of teared up and said it was the most amazing experience of his life.

He said he at some point found himself away from his body and

saw my sister and many other deceased relatives welcoming him home

but that it wasn’t his time yet and he returned to his body.

He said he was filled with peace and love and that

it was more real than a dream or any experience in his life.

He said he no longer would ever have any doubt about where his daughter was and

looked forward to being with her again.

I loved what he was saying but I am highly skeptical of anything spiritual

almost to the point of being a cynic even though I try not to be.

I kept thinking there must be some sort of physiological explanation

for what he experienced because it was just to good to be true.

I still was in a very dark place with this.

Well, a few months ago I was home visiting family for the first time in a few years.

We were all out to eat at an extremely crowded restaurant and

our waitress, literally out of the blue, decided to tell us about her experience

when she too fell I’ll with Covid. She said she was borderline on

if she would survive but she said she was not scared.

She said on one of her sickest nights she felt God surround her and

she felt totally at peace if she were to die. I was floored.

This woman probably had fifteen tables to serve at that time,

no one provoked this conversation at all, and

what she said spoke directly to what I had been so vehemently troubled with for so long.

I mean when does a waitress ever just open up to a complete stranger

about a profound spiritual near death experience?

I could no longer deny it and I feel so wonderful after all these years

knowing that my sister is truly okay because I know that what my dad saw was real."

The Bunny

"My Mom loved the wild rabbit that always came to her yard to nest her babies.

When mom was in the hospital she asked me if I had seen the rabbit which I hadn't.

A few days later my mom died.

3 days after the funeral I stopped to check on my step dad and

there was the rabbit just looking at me.

I knew that was a sign from mom.

The rabbit never scurried away.

Now every time I check on step dad the rabbit is there.

I know she has a nest near by but

t makes me feel warm inside when I see mom bunny."

The Text Message

"My daughter passed away at the age of 40, 18 months ago,

leaving behind a grieving family.

She loved God & I know she is with Him.

Today while I was driving my new car

(which notifies me on front screen, of any incoming text messages on my phone)

suddenly went off! I looked & there was her name ANNA!

I was so shocked that by the time I pushed my finger on " listen to message", it disappeared!

After I parked the car, I checked my phone texts & nothing was there!

I have kept my Anna in my contact list, thoughI know,

her husband deactivated her phone after her death.

I know that I know she was sending me a message that she was there.

I love & miss her so much.

It was such a special moment that I'm still crying."

The Truck & The Wind

"My son Tristan died two weeks after his 20th birthday.

On the way to the cemetery my brother, sister and niece

were leading the entire precession in his beloved truck he’d restored and

some cool stuff started happen. Days before the funeral the passengers seat reclined and wouldn’t lock in place so it was handing down into the back seat,

the radio stopped working and the drivers window wouldn’t roll up all the way.

Sandy said she got in and the passengers seat locked into the upright position,

then niece said “Hey Tristan will you fix that window it’s cold in here” and

when my brother went to roll it up it worked like a charm.

The cemetery was over an hour from the church so my brother made the comment, “

I wished the radio worked” and it came on that very second.

They knew it was my son. Tristan also loved to hear me sing, I sang to him even in the womb. Since our pastor wouldn’t let me sing at his funeral I decided to sing to songs at graveside. It was right before Christmas so it was cold and the air was still “very still”. I first sand Amazing Grace but when I sang the second and final song “I’ll Fly Away” it remained completely still until I hit the first very and at the end of the first line of the chorus… I got out the words… “I’ll Fly Away (and a huge rush of wind came out of nowhere), the next words were…Oh Glory, I’ll Fly Away” it stopped and went right back to completely no wind. It was noticeable to everyone there.

The gust had to have been close to 40 mph, I remember having to plant my feet.

My sister said that was definitely Tristan flying away and letting us know he can fly and he’s here. Weeks after his funeral I was driving home for the first time time since he’d passed and my radio was playing a sing and right in the middle of the song that was playing (and without me doing anything) one of his favorite songs started playing. A week later I had my cellphone on the bedside in sleep mode with the screen dimmed. My iPhone has to either have my facial recognition or the passcode to open so this was wild, all the sudden a YouTube video on working on cars started playing and not only was it locked and sleeping all my apps and web search’s were closed. A month or so had passed and a yellow lighter appeared out of thin air. Tristan didn’t like to drink alcohol or take any medication not even a Tylenol but he did like smoking marijuana. (Please don’t judge!) I don’t smoke cigarettes or marijuana and I’d just boxed all of his belongings and my house is uncluttered and clean. I got home from work and a bright yellow Bic lighter was laying in the open on my dresser. I said, hey Tristan,

I know that was you since nobody else lives here or has visited..."

The Hug

"I get very sad thinking back on my dad and grandfather. They both died the year I turned ten...One day I walked into my living room it's getting ready to go outside the front door and I thought somebody come up behind me and wrap their arms around me,

it filled me with so much love. Even now 50 years later,

if I really think about it I can feel that hug, I can feel that love.

It was my grandfather, should come to me a couple times while I was going through that a hand on my shoulder a touch. It's funny I loved my grandpa but I didn't get to see him a lot...

First year after my father passed away ( he was killed while flying for Civil Air patrol) every so often I would go downstairs and I would smell his Old Spice cologne I know he was there...

I believe that if you open yourself with your love for that person

they'll come to you in a little bits or perhaps larger times.

Just love it didn't die. Thank God"

The Foot of the Bed

"I was awaken for some reason I looked and my daughter was standing at the foot of my bed

she has been deceased for 8 months then.

I felt someone sit on the side of my bed it all happen with in a few seconds

but I’m sure it was her that woke me it was the most peaceful feeling I have had in a while .

I have been asking her and talking to her all the time begging her to give me a sign and I’m sure she did thank u so much for listening to me"

Auto Light

"My lights at my house have never come in by themselves.

I lived in my place for 9 months..

My friend died yesterday and

my bedroom light came on by itself."

The Grandfather Clock

In the past 2 years

I've lost my mother ,

my mother in law and 

2 weeks ago my daughter lost twin boys ,

she was 21 weeks pregnant .

I have my mothers grandfather clock and

it has never really worked

but out of the blue

it started chiming for 2 days and

now nothing"

Colorful Lights

"One night a few nights after my grandma passed away

I was laying in my bed trying to sleep but I then began thinking of my grandma,

the wonderful times we had and everything and I saw this

strange colorful light across from me when I opened my eyes...

It couldn't have came from anywhere because all my lights were off in my room...

I wasn't scared or anything.. I knew it was her.. because I was thinking of her and grieving..

she had to reassure me everything was okay And she was in a better place..

thats why the lights were colorful instead of dark .. I miss her so much and still think of her to this day. She was my best friend."

Feeling of Healing

"After my dad passed away, he seemed to stay with me for quite a while.

I was very sensitive and psychically open at the time, and he would come to me during meditations and during sleep. I could experience his love and warmth, and h

ere is one of the most profound experiences I had:

I was going through a devastating time after he passed, and

after my girlfriend and I broke up - and I was having major pains in my right side.

One night while sleeping, my dad showed up at my door with

an angel who looked like an extraterrestrial and introduced me.

At that moment, the angel healed my right side and

I could feel it and woke up with the most incredible feeling of healing there, and

the pain went away completely. It was amazing.

I had many other such experiences of my dad's love and warmth."

Footsteps Upstairs

"I have two experiences from my son.

I found my son unconscious in our home and five days later he was taken off the ventilator.

He was my first born and only son.

My first experience was the day before he was taken off the ventilator

I was sitting on porch and I heard like workbooks just came in the door.

The funny thing about that was the dog was not barking.

I went in the house sat in the kitchen to listen to foot step upstairs over his room.

Within five minutes my daughter came in the house and

I told her i thought he had just passed because of the footsteps.

The next day when they took him off the ventilator it took him 6 hours to pass did not want to die. On our way home e after he passed I felt a warm feeling all over my body and

i just started to smile after crying this whole time.

I have never felt this feeling before it was warm and peaceful.

I believe that was my son.."

The Dimming Lights

"My mother recently passed and

around that time my smoke alarm sounded and

the lights dimmed for about 3 full seconds at both my house and

the house of my sister 4 doors away.

Her TV flickered off and her lights dimmed at almost or exactly the same time.

It did not happen to my next door neighbor."

The Undamaged Picture

"My boyfriend passed away in a car accident this summer.

A lot of traumatic events happened after his passing with friends and family which lead me to move away with my family 6 hours away from where him and I had lived together. I decided I needed help and checked myself into a behavioral health unit at a local hospital. Three weeks after his death I was released from the hospital. Upon release I decided I wanted to go visit his grave to try to find some type of closure.. On my way to see his grave (again three weeks to date after his accident/death), I was involved in a car accident of my own where I flipped my car and blacked out due to hitting my head on my steering wheel/air bag. For some reason, I thought I remembered closing my eyes once my car began flipping and covering my face with my hands. I believed that after that is when I blacked out because I saw my boyfriend. When I saw him, he was just standing in front of me, smiling, and shaking his head no. When I woke up I was hanging upside down from my seat being held back by my seatbelt. The first thing that I saw when coming to was a picture of my boyfriend and I that I kept with me at all times. It was on the ceiling of my vehicle. I began crying because the photo wasn't damaged at all.. It wasn't bent, ripped, anything. It was just directly below me, right side up, and again was the first thing that I saw. I unbuckled my seatbelt, searched for my phone, and climbed out of the back window of my car. I came to later find out that I crashed on a major highway during rush hour traffic and nobody is sure how I survived. I did not cover my face with my hands because I had glass particles all in my face and nowhere on my arms/hands. I believe to this day that I felt my boyfriend wrap his arms around me when I crashed. I believe that's why I saw him when I blacked out telling me no, as if he was telling me that it wasn't my time because I was fully prepared and expecting to die. That's why the first thing I saw when I woke up was our picture undamaged, even though all of my windows were busted and there were personal items of mine all over the highway. I was rushed to the ER where the police followed and I was told by everyone that I was extremely lucky to be alive. Not only that, but I walked away without any major injuries. Just a concussion, some cuts and bruising. It made no sense to the doctors given the whip lash I had, the officers from their interpretation of the scene, and from the description of the accident from witnesses. A few weeks later once I was healed enough to travel I took a train to go visit his gravesite. While there I was reading a letter I had written to him just expressing how I felt. While reading this letter, multiple purple butterflies came and sat right on top of his grave. Not fluttering over, but landed and just stayed until I was done reading my letter. I looked around to see if there were a lot around the cemetery but there wasn't. I began to cry because my boyfriend's favorite color was purple so seeing these butterflies made me feel as though that was him telling me he heard my letter and was listening. It's now been 6 months since he's passed and I keep having dreams where he's telling me things I did not know before. I end up calling some of his friends and they confirm some of the things I'm being told in my dreams. Some dreams I feel like he's trying to tell me something but then he disappears.. I've been struggling with if this is me just grieving or if it is truly him sending me signs but most of me is leaning towards the fact that he's been here with me."

Spiritual Beings Living a Human Experience

"I have learn we are Spiritual Beings, living a Human Experience. I receive so many signs, from moving objects, electrical disturbance, finding dimes, a bird singing by my window each night, movement of the Flowers I placed for him in room a kiss out of this World. Much Light Blessings and I give you my word it does not end here and Love does not end with death"

The Mobility Car

"My darling daughter passed away from acute heart failure in her sleep on January 30th 2021. We always talked about sending signs to each other when one of us passed away. I kept looking for any signs but never found any Then in July 2021, I got my new motobility car and the last 3 letters on my registration plates were XLR. She always signed any notes or letters with an x for a kiss. Her initials were LR.  I  got my sign."

Falling Objects

"My daughter Britney passed away unexpectedly at age 22, last week.

We have had several signs from her that she is still very much around us.

From partial apparitions.

To things falling over.

We miss her and love her. Shes showing us all.

There is life on the other side . Physical death is not the end..."

The Charm

"My mom just passed away last week and the pain I feel is nothing like I ever imagined. Normally when people close to me pass away they come to me in my dreams, or they leave me clear signs specifically letting me know it's them. I was hoping to see my mom again in my dream, this time letting me know she is ok. She hasn't yet. I was so sad yesterday all I did was cry and think about my mom I went downstairs to grab my papers from the car and as I was getting on the elevator that I had just gotten off of 2 min before I noticed a silver letter K charm. My mother's middle name is Kay. Then today going on the elevator same one on the right I walk on and see another yellow colored charm with an anchor on the front [🥰] Id like to think these are from her [❣️] [😞] I miss her"

Heart Shaped Rock

"March 3, 2022 my German Shepherd age 3 was hit by a moving truck in front of my house. I have been 100% shaken by this and still struggle with his death. I've never loved an animal/pet as much as I do Mason... I love him like a son ... Not too long ago I was crying hysterically just missing him terribly like usual, but this time I couldn't stop! For a little while. Then I heard something fall and wasn't sure what it was, but I knew all windows were shut and I was alone. Next thing I remember I was waking up to my husband checking on me. I told him what had happened and he really didn't think much about it. So later I was doing the dinner dishes and when I was all done I emptied the dish water from the day and there it was... Mason's heart shaped rock that he had found and brought to me when we were hunting for rocks. We were rock hounds and he always would pick rocks with me as well but never did he insist on keeping any of them except this one... I had tossed it off to the side and told him "good boy" and he went & picked it up and tossed it right in front of me like 3 different times till finally I said "OK OK lol... Let's check it out Buddy" and it was a beautiful heart shaped rock that was flat on its one side so it would be able to perfectly sit on a shelf to display. And that is what I did. The shelf above my kitchen sink... It never moved from that spot since that day, until that dreadful day of hysterically balling my eyes out. That's what I heard fall, that's what got me to stop crying and just go to sleep"

The Security Arms

"After my died and 40 days later my step dad died, I got a security system installed. 5 cameras and 27 window and door sensors. After while I started seeing images on my app when I'd check on the outside of my house. I started seeing things like silhouettes of a door and people shaped objects come out. Short child like images and normal average size images and very tall images just walking through a door that led from the walkway into my gate. A few weeks after that I seen an image that looked like my mother in a wheel chairs holding a very large silly looking stuffed animal. I have seen from the inside of my house camera through my am my dad peering in a window. I took screen shots of all these things and while I could really make out the image to clearly, I decided to enhance the images and play with contrast and brightness. i could see an image of what I thought u seen and join enhancing them it turned out to be exactly what I thought they looked like with a little more detail and color...Ive seen my mother several times on the side of the house, at the gate, in the backyard. When I go these places that I see in my app, and look at the same thing while looking at my at the same thing I cannot see them at all. It is only through the app on my phone that I can see these things. I have screen shots and screen recordings of these things. They don't scare me at all. I don't get a frightening sense of a feeling, they are just there. It doesn't bother me either way. Some people I show the images to get goose bumps, like my brother. He got immediate goose bumps and was freaked at looking at an image of my mother sitting in a wheel chair with a little kid in fro t if her and a different stuffed animal. He got all weirded out over it. It doesn't faze me in the slightest. It is what it is. These images are not there when I look at it through my own eyes but while standing there look back at my phone at the same spot I'm at, at that very moment and they're there when I look through my app. I can see myself obviously but I see the other people and many, many people I do not know. I wish I could upload some of the best images. Lol People get tripped out."


"I keep hearing knocking and

seeing shadows and

hearing breathing

my dad just died 2 weeks ago..

I just found out today"

Objects Flying Off

"Over the span of 28 plus years,

odd and sometimes even scary things have happened around me.

Like, just recently a picture flew very aggressively across my kitchen and

broke less than 12 inches from my Son's feet.

I'm not scared, as I said it's been going on for a long time."

The Air Purifier

"We knew he was dying and kept telling him it was time to go but he could come and see us whenever he wanted !we had been married 62years and been together since 16and 17yrs old ! My daughter gave up work to help me look after him so he could stay home !my daughter said Dad choose something to do so we know you are around !! He had end of life care and died peacefully in the end at home with me holding his hand and singing ! Almost immediately a air purifier that we had alway turn on to keep the dust down for my husband would come on red night and day for a few minutes before going back to white !This happened for at least five months but has now stop in the last double of days !! Also our song would come up on Facebook for a couple of months but again have stopped !! I wonder if this means he is now settled and knows I'm ok even if sad and won't be coming anymore or was I just make be live it was him [😃]"

 White Feathers &

A Hummingbirds

"My Father passed away in August of 2020 and he was a great man, an army veteran and a a man who always spoke truth and protected the ones he loved.

He loved to sit on the porch, smoke his Kool's and watch the hummingbirds come up for a drink and just keep to himself.

His wife, my mother, followed his death in May of 2021, She was a gardener, a lover, a funny beautiful, soft woman, who loved nothing more than to be my mom. She was born to be my mom.

One day after both of their passing's, i make my way to Virginia to see my grandma, and aunts on my fathers' side. As i was driving, a white feather that was short and fluffy, stuck to the windshield and i couldn't help but think this was my mom telling me she was around. It could have very much been a sign from my dad, but when i saw it, i was stuck on the feather and the softness reminded me of her.

A day or so later, I am arriving home, just as i pull in the driveway and get out, what do i see in front of the hummingbird feeder, that i have neglected to fill up...A Hummingbird. What makes this that much weirder, is the fact that i hadn't seen a hummingbird since my dad died, and i had made it my new hobby to sit on the porch and bird watch for me, and seeing that hummingbird, on that day, i will never forget. I knew it was a piece of him."

The Knock

"My Beautiful Mom was diagnosed with cancer May 4, 2021. 2 months later she passed (7/7/21). We were beyond devastated and trying to get on with life even though we were crushed. My dad who was blind and could not walk was still healthy and full of life. In June of 2021 were told he had dementia but could not tell as there were no signs of it.

I moved in with him right after my mom passed and took care of him, while an aide came in when i went to work. He called my Moms name all day everyday since she had passed and talked to me as if I were her. Within 4 months he declined dramatically and passed November 27, 2021. My whole world was shattered..... Losing both parents within 4 months of each other. The number 7 is a constant thing. 7:07 (her date) I see those numbers everywhere.

But the craziest sign I got was last week at the mausoleum wall crypt. When I go which is usually every Sunday, I knock on her side and then his side. As I was decorating for Valentines Day, I had Jerry Vale playing on my phone (my Dads favorite singer) and ONLY in the video do I hear knocking. No one was there except my daughter and I and we did not hear it while we were there, ONLY in the video. I can't stop thinking about this...I am still grieving terribly and

this was a little peace for me."


"My sister passed 12/31/22 and ever since almost every day

if not multiple times a day she shows me 1:43 on the clock, on receipts, on the internet,

and some days I’ll say, sissy if you want to say hello or I love you,

make sure I see 1:43 or 11:11.

She was the one who taught me when I was young to make a wish at 11:11 and

I always have, and we always used to text each other 1:43 to say I love you.

Now it’s the only thing I have, but I’m thankful to always see 1:43 and

know in my heart that it’s her. I love you sissy. 143."

Favorite Song

"My youngest son passed away three weeks ago.

He was incarcerated, Death in Custody. He took his own life.

I live interstate from my daughter in law & my sons two beautiful children.

We knew something was going on but didn't find out until eight hours after he passed.

When I started driving to my daughter in law's I still didn't know he'd gone.

I was screaming at God - "You can't take him", "you can't take my son", I was also praying...

I heard a voice that kept saying "He's in my keeping". I found out not long after & had to stop driving for a while. I was trying to remember his favorite song as a child, it was on the radio the day after. I somehow know he's with me... I hear his voice, he talks to me, I see him in my minds eye - he seems happy, I feel him close to me. His son, sounds just like him & says the same words as him. He's still talking to me, the messages are short, articulated.

He's telling me what I have to do next, for his family. I'm sure he's guiding me."

A Drop of Honey

"My husband had passed away in November of last year.

The day after Christmas I went over to microwave to warm up my coffee and there was a drop of honey on my clear plastic table cloth! I am so interested in how that happens.

I know it is a sign that he is letting me know he's ok, and

it was in the spot where he used to sit and put honey in his tea."

The iPAD

"It has been almost 2 years since I visited Bill’s grave since he passed away.

He was buried in his hometown about 5 hours from where we both lived.

I had been thinking lately that it was time for me to make a visit to his grave. It was bugging me that I hadn’t been in awhile. I was trying to pin down a date. Should it be his birthday or the date her died. I picked the date he died. I made the hotel reservation. I planned to stay overnight. I felt relieved. I was going. Mission accomplished. I sat down feeling good. I picked up my new IPAD, opened the cover, and a picture of Bills displays on the screen. The new IPAD has a feature that randomly displays photos from the photo library. I had never seen Bills photo before. I got the new IPAD in December. But there was his face. I started crying.

Bill was saying “hello”. Glad you are coming to see me,"

The Broken LIght

"My mom died at her home on Feb 21, 2023.

I was with her leading up to and at tge moment of her death.

I was hoping to experience a peaceful transition for her. A look of peace on her face or something. But I didnt get that. She was breathing and tgen she wasnt. I was sad and a little angry that God didnt give me that peacefulness ai was expecting to see.

After she was removed and hospice left I was loading up my car to go home.

(It was 3am) when I went out to my car both lights on each side of the gargage door were lit up. The one on the right side had been broken and not worked in over a year.

It happened one more time when my sisiter and I were at moms house lookimg for a specific ring. We had looked through the jewelry box multiple times with no luck.

I was checking one last time and there was the ring.

Sure enough when we left the broken light was on again. we were at her house several more times until we sold it and never again was the light on.

I 100% believe she was letting me kniw she was ok and that she helped us find her ring."

The Deer Hunter

"I’m a deer hunter and seen my dad standing in the woods for 45 minutes straight 3 months after he died. I was hunting one day and missing him so bad my heart was broken.

We were very close all of our lives together. He raised me in church and I Never gave him any trouble. I think God gave me that 45 minutes because of how I respected and honored him.

Thank you God"

Distance Sound

"I lost my daughter and my mom and I swear I hear my mom calling me from a distance"

Partner with Epilepsy

"My partner takes seizures and after it she would tell me things from another source which I know was my mum , who she never met , and also addresses of other family members and dates of birth of a lot of people without missing a date or making a mistake, my partner was acting like an antenna with no recollection"

The Hug

"My Father passed away April 1st 2023.

It was unexpected passing and was very tough.

He was a free spirited loving laughing all the time father friend and loved to help others.

The following night I was laying in my bed dog between my girlfriend and myself.

My position of sleep was on my side in a fetal position.

It was late night when I felt a presence of an arm over my shoulder as if my father was giving me a hug. I woke up looked around sat up and was amazed of what just happen."

The Note

"My wife of 20 years passed on February 5, 2021 after a battle with recurring cancer. Her loss has broken me. I am writing this two plus years after her death. About for months ago, I was looking for some batteries in the kitchen drawers and came across a handwritten note my wife had written me when we first moved into our home in June of 2020. In the note she told me that I was her one and only, her only one. It was something we used to say to each other every day. It was then that I knew she was safe in the arms of Heaven. I wept the remainder of the day. I still weep every morning for her and the lovely life we led together for all of those years."

The Bracelet

"My fiancé passed away three months ago unexpected. He gave me a bracelet, and before he passed away, it was fine, but now that he’s gone it falls off if I’m upset or somethings going on as if he makes it fall off as if he’s here..."

The Crow

"My father passed away earlier this morning in Delaware and this afternoon I was sitting with my brother, who just happened to be visiting Florida, where I live from Delaware. A large black crow landed on a pole right by our outside seating and cawed to us. My brother cawed back and the bird sat on the pole and watched us for a few minutes. I think it was my Father."

The Checkout Monitor

"I had an experience the other day at a store, I was checking out my items in a self check out and there is a monitor that you can see yourself on. I was scanning my things and I notice on the monitor that I was not in it, it appear two of my brothers that has recently pass appeared and I got freak out, I looked around to see if they were behind me but the were in the monitor....what does this mean? my oldest will be gone 2 yrs in the end of April, my third oldest died a year ago 3/18/2022 and the youngest pass in 2022 11/4...it was mostly my younger brother ...he look like he was trying to look inside and then my other brother look like he wanted to see what my brother was looking at, I did not see me on the monitor at all."

Favorite Song

"My youngest son passed away three weeks ago. He was incarcerated, Death in Custody. He took his own life. I live interstate from my daughter in law & my sons two beautiful children. We knew something was going on but didn't find out until eight hours after he passed. When I started driving to my daughter in law's I still didn't know he'd gone. I was screaming at God - "You can't take him", "you can't take my son", I was also praying... I heard a voice that kept saying "He's in my keeping". I found out not long after & had to stop driving for a while. I was trying to remember his favorite song as a child, it was on the radio the day after. I somehow know he's with me... I hear his voice, he talks to me, I see him in my minds eye - he seems happy, I feel him close to me. His son, sounds just like him & says the same words as him. He's still talking to me, the messages are short, articulated. He's telling me what I have to do next, for his family. I'm sure he's guiding me."

The Loud Knock

"I was in bed and I heard a loud knock on the wall and I woke up and looked at my phone and there was a message saying that my Brother had passed away from his cancer I think that was him saying goodbye. Years earlier I was working on a electrical panel. The power was turned off for safety and my brother was standing next to me and he said be careful don't get shocked and I said OK and a few minutes passed and I was working intently and he slammed his hand hard On the wall and I jumped a mile and we laughed. It was that same sound."


"Last fall I was on a road trip taking my daughter to college. On the way while I was driving I kept feeling like something was pulling my hair. I kept smoothing my hair down down because I thought somehow part of my hair was sticking to the headliner. It went on for a while. The next day I found out my brother had passed away alone at his home. He probably died the day before potentially around the same time I felt the hair pulling."

Grandparents Dream

"I have frequent dreams involving my grandparents, especially my grandpa. I had one dream with him about a month ago. We were in his best friend's house (my aunt's in-laws) and he was walking up the stairs. I said "Grandpa?" He turned around, smiled at me, and disappeared up the stairs. I started after him and then woke up. I cried. The second dream I had about him was last week. My family told me that I needed to go pick up his ashes. I told them I didn't want to and started crying. I woke up and was depressed all day. The dream I had about my grandma was simply me putting my head on her shoulder. She stroked my head gently and then I woke up. I think I have more dreams about my grandpa because his death was traumatic, sudden and I didn't get a chance to say goodbye. With my grandma, her death was expected since she had Alzheimer's for 10 years. I miss them both terribly and they were the best grandparents ever."

Hair Bow

"I found my furbaby’s hair bow that my Mother was so close to

in her bed after everything had been laundered.

It wasn’t there when we remade her bed.

I had lost that hair bow exactly one week before she died.

I found it in her bed covers 3 1/2 weeks after she passed."

The Wink

"While this is a rather different account than most I have read, I'd like to share it.

I lost my father recently, April 2023. He was 75 years old, and he had suffered from quite ill health for 40 plus years, this culminating in being bed bound for his last three years of his life.

Though still having his mental acuity, he had lost his mobility and independence. We grew very close, as I cared for and supported him for well over a decade. He become very ill due to aspiration pneumonia after taking some food down the wrong way. I stayed by his bedside for twelve hours, holding his hand, trying consciously to give my energy to him, refusing to entertain any negative thought of him losing his fight.

Eventually though, his condition worsened and his breathing stopped, he passed on gently and without struggle. Though this was brutal to witness, his body looked peaceful, looked like a casing or a shell, that had lost its soul. I sat with his body for five hours, I felt his body heat leave him, witnessed the quite rapid changing of appearance, skin tone etc. His other relatives had said their last goodbyes to him and left the room so as to leave me to say my own.

I kissed him on the head, told him how much he meant to me, then I walked to the foot of his bed. I touched his foot as I told him I love him for the last time. Unequivocally, with one hundred percent certainty, after being declared dead five hours prior, his left eye winked at me. I asked him out loud 'did you just wink at me?', I know for sure that he did.

Now, I've spoken to doctors about this and they all without fail revert to their learned assumptions that it's either a nervous reaction or that the brain was long dead, and that implies consciousness no longer exists. However, I'd also spent the last year reading and studying people's real life Near death experiences, people who's experience far out weighs a learned assumption.

People who were declared dead, yet who's consciousness simply carried on away from the shell of the body, returning when decided that it wasn't yet their time. Experiences that totally refute the current model of brain death and clinical death. No one will ever convince me otherwise that my father winking at me wasn't his consciousness giving me one last sign of affection. That it was just a nervous response, or my own hallucination.

I'm a critically thinking person, and I don't take things lightly or make things up. I'd implore anyone who is grieving or going through similar circumstances, to study near death experiences. To read people's accounts of death who have actually experienced it. To know that the body is just a cocoon that will shed its soul, and that death is really another birth.

Death is not ultimate and final, as the medical profession like to insist on. Consciousness is merely freed from its shell of the body, to progress unabound. It would be nice to see the medical and scientific world give more acknowledgement that their knowledge isn't at the frontline of truth, instead of promoting ideas of bland materialist reductionism. Learning about these experiences will help bring great solace and peace to those who feel they have 'lost' a loved one. The cocoon has simply shed its butterfly into a higher state of being, death is an illusion.

Your loved one is safe and well."

Pet's Name

"Expecting an online reading with a psychic medium, I asked my deceased partner to mention his pet name for me as validation of the psychic's authenticity. The pet name is from the lyrics of an old song my partner heard on the radio soon after we first met.

Well, unfortunately, I didn't receive a reading from the psychic medium on the day it was scheduled, but later that same day, I was at a cafe with a friend wondering why I hadn't received any signs lately and feeling a bit lost when

I suddenly caught the end of a song playing on the radio.

It was our special song containing his pet name for me.

I hadn't heard the song for 2 years and I almost missed it."

Don't You Forget About Me

"I had just sat down in my car after having coffee with a friend a few weeks ago when it dawned on me that during our 90-min catch-up, I hadn't thought of or talked about my recently deceased partner at all, possibly because the cafe had been very noisy and crowded at the time.

I briefly wondered why I hadn't seen any signs from him lately. On the way home, I called in to the supermarket for a couple of items. I had just turned into the pet food aisle and the first thing I noticed was a large display of dog toys, the exact type that my partner used to buy for his dog all the time. At that very moment, a song by Simple Minds started playing - Don't You Forget About Me. It stopped me in my tracks. Surely it couldn't be a coincidence? I wasn't sure but was overwhelmed with emotion.

After arriving home and putting away the groceries, I went online to check if there were any audios that needed to be transcribed. There was a long list of audios, and I decided to review one that appeared to have been recorded in my country. As I listened to the audio, it became clear that it was recorded in my partner's tiny hometown where he passed away and that the speakers were exactly my partner's age. I was astounded. Three strong signs/reminders of him within an hour as if to assure me that 1, " am still around," and 2., "don't forget about me."

The Lady Bug

"We were on a camping trip to the Big Sur area,

we had to take a long back road because there was a rock slide on Highway 1.

When we got there our daughter went to the beach with the kids. My husband and l stayed to set up. We finished and we were walking towards the beach when a lady bug bopped me on my cheek and forehead, quickly flying away. Lady bugs remind us of my mom, she always said, they were good luck.

When we got to the beach, l told my daughter about the lady bug "kissing me" on the forehead and cheek. A lady bug had kissed her on her cheek too, as she stood near the shore. It made perfect sense, My mother and her siblings were in a car wreck in the mountains

when she was a young girl. She was nervous anytime she was riding through the mountains.

She sent a sign, she was happy we safely got to our destination."

The Doorbell

"My sister was unbeknown to me in hospital for a month basically slowly dying of sepsis having been discharged from hospital with antibiotics. Her daughter got her re admitted to a different hospital. While at this second hospital my sister got a nurse to type a message to me but I didn’t pick up on the seriousness.

It was just one week before she died, I’m guessing she knew not one of her 2 daughters would bother to let me know. So during these weeks that I had no idea, the doorbell would ring all the time and I was forever going to the door and looking on the camera but nothing to see.

It crossed my mind that it could be some one passing over as I always have some sign when someone passes over, then didn’t think about it again. I messaged one of my nieces about my sisters message from the nurse to ask what she thought. She said she’d been Ill herself and didn’t know much more than me. Then 3 days before my sister died, her other daughter rang me from the hospital to say her mum was dying and it was a really big shock. Although she’d been in hospital for a month and had sepsis which is surprising in retrospect.

I’m pretty sure the doorbell ringing was to alert me..."

The Red Bird

"My husband has visit me a couple of times and

while I was at work sitting by the window a red bird flew on the tree and

I know it wasn’t nobody but my husband Eugene,

now i constantly sit here waiting for the bird again to appear !!

I love it when my husband shows up it give me so much joy at that moment...

I need prayers for grieving..."

Christmas LED Light

"My mother passed November 30th, 2020.

The worst day of mine and my 7yr. old daughters life! We were extremely close to my mother.

We both took it very hard.

About a week after my mother passed,

a Christmas LED candle which I put in my hall closet because the turn on switch was broke.

It started lighting up!

For two straight years,

EVERYDAY this broke candle that I NEVER had to change out the batteries,

lite up everyday at some point, and stayed on for 5-6hrs.

Or if my daughter or I were crying and sad, this candle would lite up.

I don't know why it stopped after 2yrs, but we sure miss my Mother,

it was her and was so beautiful!"

Birthday visit from my Mom

"My daughter took me out for dinner,

as we were exiting the restaurant, a Cardinal flew in front of me,

almost hit my nose, then flew past my daughter and flew up again.

It was my Mom...wishing me a Happy Birthday..

bright red Cardinals are visits from male deceased,

light-colored cardinals are female...this Cardinal was pale red."

Jamestown Street

"Our son James JT passed on or around 1/27/2022.

Like many here, we will never know the exact time and date.

To recognize his angel-versary, at the last minute we felt compelled to go to to one of his favorite places; the beach. He spent many a week with us there in Ocean city, Assateague, Chincoteague and surrounding Maryland and Delaware shore areas.

He spent many weeks there with his girlfriend and her family as well, as an adult. We asked his girlfriend for the exact spot she had taken a picture of him on a pier with the sunset behind him. At exactly sunset we found the spot and I got in the position that he sat.

I'm getting emotional writing this as I remember exactly the feeling that he was not only with me, but in me. My wife snapped a picture and it is wonderfully similar to the one taken of him in the good years. However, my wife said, despondently, that she wasn't sure he was there because she didn't feel it. She was hoping for a sign - "anything, just show me a sign James!"

At that exact moment, we looked up to the cross street sign which was "Jamestown Street".

JT's middle name (as is mine and my father's) is Townley often shortened to Jamestown.

We had to pull over, because you can't get any more clear sign than that.

Cindi looked up to the blue and pink clouds with tears in her eyes and said,

"You got us, thank you, you're always with us. We love you, JT"

Cold House

"My Daddy passed away and it's been very cold in the house

since he's gone to be with God.

I am wondering if that would or could  be some kind of sign...

It's been unusually cold.

My Daddy kept it very warm here.

We have a wood/coal stove.

Yes, I miss my Daddy very, very, very much. I love him so very much."

10:34 AM Tears

"Friday August 12th, I went to work like any normal day. I felt fine.

At 10:34 am that changed. I had gotten a phone call an hour before then from my ex mother in law and it annoyed me. Well around 10:34 am, I started crying for no apparent reason.

I couldn’t understand why I felt so devastated. I remember thinking “there’s no way I’m this upset over that phone call”. I even called my mom and my best friend I was practically inconsolable. I cried my eyes out for the rest of the day. At 11:40 pm that Friday night, I got a call from my mother saying my dad passed unexpectedly. I am convinced that I felt him when he died and left this earth. Like my soul knew his soul wasn’t here anymore and that’s why I was crying all day. I haven’t been able to find anything about anyone else ever experiencing this, and I’m still looking. But it was literally like he was letting me know that morning, that he had left. August 20th was the day of his celebration of life, and I put up a flag at my house in memory of my dad. When I was leaving to go to his celebration of life, I stopped to take a picture of the flag on my porch and I seen what looked like a cloud in the sky that looked like his face or a face smiling right above my house where the flag was. I believe it was a sign from my dad, trying to let me know he’s okay and that he’s so much happier where he’s at. I’m still grieving and trying to process and accept the fact he’s gone, but some part of my mind or soul knows he’s in a better place."

Middle of the Night

"I woke up in the middle of the night Sunday-Monday.

I immediately felt like I couldn't breathe and I gasped for air.

I thought maybe I had a nightmare.

Fast forward to Wednesday night I find out you were found in a motel room Monday morning. You had died. We don't know exactly what time but I can't help but feel like the immediate awakening out of a dead sleep gasping for air was you in distress and I felt it miles away.

I am in shock still. Please keep sending signs Alex.

I was hoping to wear white in front of you one day, and

we would joke about the journey and the chase that it took to get us there."

Salutes & Dreams

"My dad passed away in September of 2011, about 2 weeks before his 60th birthday.

About a month after he passed, my brother and I had a small family gathering to spread his ashes at the place where him and his dad would go fishing.

He was a Vietnam veteran but we didn't have any type of honor guard for him, but just after my brother and I finished spreading his ashes, there was a 21 gun salute.

About a week or so after that, I had my first dream about him.

He looked healthy and had a long beard.

I told him I wasn't ready for him to go,

but was comforted by the fact that he said

he was great and not to cry because he was finally home and at peace."

His Name

"I was at church after my father's death.

I was so sad and desperate for a sign that he's okay.

So I asked Jesus to show me his name "John" now in church, and

it means he's with him happy.  Before the start of the mass, the pastor told us to get to know the people sitting next to us in order to be more familiar with each other.

I attended so many masses in my life, and never did any priest tell us to do such thing.

I was so angry and sad and didn't feel like turning towards anyone and talk to anyone.

The guy sitting in front of me, turned towards me, and he told me his name, which I didn't hear nor get because of the loud sounds, and then he introduced me to his 1 year old baby boy and

he told me his name which was John. I started crying."

Heart in the Clouds

"4 months after my best friend, confidant, road-dog, my 32 yr old son

was shot by his soon to be ex-gf I was sitting in a parking lot talking with a friend on the phone about mutual friends we have and then we started talking about

Jamie"Lou" my son and his gift of organ donation.

His heart, kidneys and pancreas were all donated 7/3/2021.

I had, at that time, already heard from 1 of the recipients of his kidney.

I was telling my friend about that and said that I felt so blessed that

they contacted me but was eager to have contact with the person who received his heart.

I looked up at that very moment and there was a PERFECT HEART IN THE CLOUDS.


I immediately took a pic and sent it to her as we were still talking on the phone.

She began to cry and said "Thats your Lou"

The Bobblehead

"A few days ago, I finally managed to wash the last of my husband's dirty clothes.

There were not very many items because I had done laundry a few days before he passed.

I had made a few attempts over these last 10 months to remove them from the laundry bag for washing, but I could not follow through. I was afraid to lose his scent. In the first weeks after he passed, I craved his scent and would hug his shirts that hung in the bathroom doorway where he'd always left them, the throw on the back of his recliner where he took his last breath, and his pillow that he would start the night on before scooching over to claim half of my pillow.

I thought I was going crazy in those first weeks. Although that craving eased up a bit as time passed, I still could not clean his dirty clothes until now.

As I reached for the last item in the laundry bag, I found something very unexpected -- a small, colorful, wooden bobblehead snail that a friend at work gave me many years after she returned from a vacation in Mexico.

When I brought the snail home, my husband thought it was the funniest little thing. Whenever he walked past the snail, he would flick its little painted head and laugh as it bobbed about.

I have no idea how that little bobblehead snail made its way into his dirty laundry,

but when I saw it, I smiled and remembered the little moments of joy it had given my husband.

In that moment, I felt so very connected with him and that

the little bobblehead snail was his way of letting me know

he was with me and that I'm going to be okay."


My best friend forever came to me in a dream that I had in the night.

He said he was here just to lend me an ear and assure me that I'll be alright.

Then he asked me to tell him my troubles. And h" 

A flame was rekindled inside me. I let go of the pain and the fear.

When I came to the end he said "Trust me my friend. Life is going to get better from here."

Then he hugged me and whispered "I love you" as the dream was beginning to fade.

With a wink and a smile that lingered a while he said "Now go out  and ..."

"License Plate"

"While my father was dying in the hospital, I frequently wondered how I would recognize signs from him after he was gone. He passed in the morning and my mother and I had to drive to the funeral home later that afternoon. On the drive, a little car jumped out in front of us much too close for comfort as it was raining and foggy. As I cleared my window I couldn't believe my eyes. There, in bold letters on the license plate - DAD. The uncanny coincidences just kept coming. In the formal board room where we met, I couldn't help but ask about a piece of art that was sorely out of place. It was a large, Inuit soapstone carving. It instantly reminded me of Dad because he had carved a similar piece that I wanted to keep. It turns out the entire building was formerly owned by the branch of government that my Dad used to work for. Coincidentally, we had discussed this the night before. This explained the out of place piece of art - it was left behind. The following week was spent anguishing over what to do with his large garage of prized possessions we knew nothing about. As we were driving out of the cemetery after his burial, I turned the radio on. The show was about getting rid of loved ones belongings after they pass. The gist being "just do it, there’s no need to feel guilty." Thanks Dad, we needed to hear that from you :) Dad was at it again on the long drive home after the funeral. As soon as I thought about his love of spotting bald eagles and if I would see any (which wasn't a common occurrence), there they were. Two massive eagles sitting on a tree, clear as day. Finally, days later my mother and I took a drive to the country; something she and dad did regularly. On the way home, Dad was at it again. A car popped out in front of us with the plate number 480 - the address of my childhood home. We needed that after a rough day of memories, sorrow, and tears. I haven't noticed anything since - it's been about two months. I was sad about that until writing this post. Oh how lucky I've been to have received so many clear signs from my Dad in heaven. I miss him so much."


This is from a post I made about my experience. “ Grief hurts. Even when it’s quiet, it hurts. I’ve been able to quiet my grief most of the time being out of the country, until today. Today, I am staring out my window, crying and asking why we are even here. Cursing this planet and this life. Begging dad for a sign that there’s a purpose. I see dolphins. I’ve only seen them one other time while on this trip, and I’ve been looking like a kid every chance I get. But right here in this moment, as I’m looking for dad in the in between, the dolphins appear and one jumps so high in the air. “Hi dad!”, I say like a child… and then onto hysterical crying. Maybe just coincidence, but feeling so low in that moment, and that very moment those magical creatures decide to say hello. Sign received, dad.”

"Heart Rocks"

"I lost my son and my grandson lost his dad December 2023. My grandson lives with my husband and I in our apartment. I decided to clean out the rocks under the stairs outside my door.(There is always a bunch of leaves and garbage in them.) I also wanted to paint some of them to make it more cheerful. When I started sitting out there for about an hour at a time I kept thinking about Spencer, his son and I tell stories about him often. So we did that out there. I kept finding heart rocks When we were talking to him. I was finding up to 25 per hour except the one day my friend sat out there with me so I wasn’t talking to Spencer. I’ve been painting all of the rocks and writing the word “love” on every one. I’ve decided we are going to start taking them everywhere we go and leaving them all over the city. I’m calling it Spreading love for Spencer. I’m even going to start a Facebook page for it so ppl can look it up and see why they received the heart rock."

"Pink Cadillac"

"I had just finished hanging a dragonfly wall decoration in my bedroom--Dragonflies remind me of my mother--but that's another story. I was "thinking out loud" about various ideas I have for redecorating which led me to sit in the chair at the foot of the bed. I have a sort of shrine dedicated to my late partner on a table nearby. I was talking to him, by way of a photo on the table. Commenting on this, that, and the other. I mentioned that the dogs have new collars and went on to describe them. Tequila, the chihuahua, has one that's green and yellow with the John Deere logo on it. Higgins, the Maltipoo, has one with stripes; rainbow-like with pink being the primary background color. When I mentioned Higgins' name he came into the room and jumped up on the bed. I realized that the pink in his collar was the same as the Pink Cadillac image on the tin that's also on the table. (The tin contains a portion of my partner's ashes.) During the last weeks of my partner's life Higgins was his constant companion. When I made the connection, I realized this was the sign that I had been hoping for. Our relationship was, let's say, complicated. I believe this sign was meant to tell me "we're good". I think I'll be able to really start letting go of the past and begin moving on now.

"Initials in the Clouds"

"I saw my dead dad's initials in the clouds and saw a cloud that looked like the stairs to heaven!

I saw my lost loved one's initials in the clouds and it was so beautiful I wanted to cry, I am only fifteen years old and didn't get to see him before he did. I love him so much and i'm glad he gave me a sign that he is watching over me and my family. love you dad."

"Multi-colored Chairs"

"My wife passed away in September of 2024, her name was Grace. A neighbor told me Grace would talk to her, not sure if it was in her dreams but I wondered why Grace did not talk to me. Maybe I could not hear her. Anyways one day I saw a house that had chairs of different colors and I was thinking of rainbows. A couple hours later I was looking up in the sky and there were two rainbows, the types you get without rain. One was a sun dog I think it is called and the other was a half circle. I did not think of a connection until a neighbor said “Grace is sending rainbows to you”. Then I remembered about the house I saw earlier that day that had the multi colored chairs. Now the hearts, Grace liked heart shaped rocks and people would collect and leave them for her. I found myself searching for heart shaped rocks to place where her ashes are buried. I did find many rocks but this heart that I am thinking of came about in a different way. Grace did not like when water from washing our hands would collect on the bathroom sink, so I would always wipe it clean. The other day I washed my hands and then after there was a blob of water on top of the sink in the shape of a heart. I took a picture of it and sent to a friend and she said Grace was totally sending me the heart, and I believe that too."


"My wife, Tammy, of 40 years died March 4,2023. She and I both have silver John Lennon rings. They say "Imagine" on them. The night she died, they gave me only her wedding and engagement rings. About eleven days later when I was at the social security office, I had an amazing experience. When I went in, I locked the car and windows were up. When I came back, in the middle of the passenger seat, not down in the crack, was her ring!! People had ridden in that seat in the days prior, and I even set the box of her ashes on that seat , a few days before. I don't know how it got there. I believe she lost it in the car at some point, but showing up like that is unexplainable. This is sooo something she would do. I have NO doubt she did this for me."

"Flickering Lights"

"My father passed away unexpectedly on March 10th. I broke down that day and for 3 days in a row could not function. I'm now living in denial and won't let him enter my head and fight it really hard because I cannot handle the pain. The day after he died my smoke detector in my bedroom went off and it's the type that is for 10 years and there's no battery to replace I ended up having to go put it outside in the trash can cuz it would not stop. At the same time there was a weird haze around the area. Also my bedroom light kept flickering I thought these were things I wanted to see but they actually happened in my grandchildren even saw it so did my son. I'm just wondering if it's honestly a sign or just a weird coincidence..."


"My dad was in lenox hill and i went to a cafe to get a coffee i was standing in line and a song from ed sheeran started to play. I had never heard that song before. I cried so hard bc I knew it was the Lord telling me he was going. 3 days later he was gone. I love my dad so much. He was the best dad. God bless him forever."

"Wind Chimes"

"BARY had just passed. I got the call early one morning that he was gone. We hadn’t seen him in awhile. He didn’t want us to see him like that. He had begun using again and according to his wife ( I didn’t know her at the time.) he wanted to go. Anyway, I met with his ex wife at the viewing who was a good friend of mine and went in to see him. I fell to my knees. It didn’t even look like him but it had been a week and the one thing I did notice was his hands. They were his hands. I held one. Took a picture of our hands and while his sister was speaking near me to people i felt him move. His hand moved. His hand tightened just a bit around mine and he moved. I looked across the room with huge eyes to his ex wife and she came over right away. She said she knew. He moved with her too. This was real and much too long after his actual death to be any after shock. I was stunned but so full of grief I was numb anyway and hadn’t had a lot of sleep. That night at my Dads house, ( I lived with him since my Mom passed) and my oldest was staying with us for about 6 months as she found a job and apt right out of college. We shared a bedroom and it was summertime. My parents had lived in that condo for 20 years at least and myself a good 10 at least over the years. It was about 3:30am and I heard wind chimes. For one it was not windy and two, I had been there every night due 5 years straight and there were no wind chimes near by. Period. I sat straight up and soon they stopped. I went out to my convertible to turn on a light and googled this and it said it was a sign from a loved one who passed. I was stunned again. I also was stopped at a light during the same time and my roof was down and a dragon fly flew out into traffic and stayed right beside my car for a good 2 minutes. As I drove off even. Again, read it was a sign. We were very close and never got the chance to say goodbye so I know why. I’ve had many instances like this with close ones that passed so I know they are very real. [♥️] [🙏🏻] "

"Phone Message"

"I was watching TV sitting on the sofa and then I saw this white bright light come through my ceiling traveled in front of me going down at an angle towards my phone and it went directly to my phone and disappeared and then my phone had a message"


"Saw glass spin around on its own, 7 months after husband died.
I thought this may be a sign from my passed husband that all is well."


"About ten years ago I went to Thailand with my husband ,fours years before I lost my mom ,we went out for a meal ,my husband sat opposite we had just sat down a few minutes ,I looked over to my husband ,I was looking at my mothers face she looked a lot younger ,there was no colour ,it lasted for about two seconds ,I was in shock ,I ran off to the bathroom to get my breath back ,I later discovered it was the anniversary of my mother passing , since then she has made her presence known"


"I was at church after my father's death. I was so sad and desperate for a sign that he's okay. So I asked Jesus to show me his name "John" now in church, and it means he's with him happy. Before the start of the mass, the pastor told us to get to know the people sitting next to us in order to be more familiar with each other. I attended so many masses in my life, and never did any priest tell us to do such thing. I was so angry and sad and didn't feel like turning towards anyone and talk to anyone. The guy sitting in front of me, turned towards me, and he told me his name, which I didn't hear nor get because of the loud sounds, and then he introduced me to his 1 year old baby boy and he told me his name which was John. I started crying."


"My elderly mum passed away last year just before christmas, she had dementia, its been 2 weeks now, and last night i was woken @3am to feel her presence, and she tried to say something but was struggling was only one word, but i could not grasp it, sadly. I could feel her presence and knew she was simply not strong enough yet, and also felt i knew why she had come to me than my brothers, as i am struggling thru life at the moment, badly. I did however say "mum come visit me when you are stronger" Then she was gone. One thing i did nothice was the room went really hot, so much so i had to take my t-shirt off, i don't know if that is common?"


"I lost my grandmother on October 10th, 2023. Worst day of my life. My grandmother and I have been inseparable for the last 24 years of my life. She developed brain cancer & it destroyed her very fast and 6 months later she passed. We both loved sunflowers and that was definitely our favorite flower. Recently I went outside and a random sunflower that was perfectly bloomed. Right then and there I knew that was my sign. I know she’s saying “Jayden I love you. I’m okay“

"Old Phone"

"As the oldest, not only did I make the call to have someone go to check on my dad, learned over the phone he was in fact home, and found in his bed, by police, I had to inform my mother, and 2 sisters. I then had to start the process his end of life, no will, and he lived 9 1/2 hours away. We need a place to stay, inform jobs, find where our children can stay, pack, remember your still alive, breath….call his boss, get info that you never thought you needed, drive to your house and pull in the dark driveway throw the car in park and before you scream because this life is unfair your happen to see your miles before E. 143 Between my mom, dad and 2 sisters, since I can remember we used the sign language gesture “I love you” You know the one [🤟🏼] pink, index, thumb up up out. I love you. That was our thing. 143 is I love you in numbers. I learned of my dad’s death the morning after my 38th birthday. He never called that day, which he never missed. A few weeks later I’m looking for pictures and turn on an old phone, and in the voicemails there is dad’s number and so I click the first one I see. “Happy Birthday baby I love you, you’re not answering your phone right now, I love you though, happy birthday.” Talk about crazy. If you listen hard enough you will hear them say the only way they can now I love you too"


"My husband died suddenly in January 2018. He had a special place in his heart for Pluto from Disney thanks to his daughters. Our favorite place was the beach at Nags Head, NC. It was the summer of 2018 and I was standing in the e Atlantic Ocean crying when suddenly I felt something hit my leg. I looked down and staring at me smiling was a 2” toy Pluto. I knew at that exact moment Ghi sent that to me as a message from above. I have kept it in a safe place and it means the world to me."

"2 AM"

"When my dad passed I was on holiday there was no time difference I woke up at 2am screaming as I felt some one next to me I found out in the morning that my dad passed away at 2am I believe this was my dad"


"This just happened the night before last. I have an Alexa in my workroom (I have two jobs, one in which I work from home). It helps if I need a quick calculation. I have never not one time ever played music on this one. I didn't even have Amazon Music set up for it. My significant other who died by suicide in July (July 28th) on our anniversary told me frequently he would hear Alexa talking to him. I wasn't sure at the time because I would also be home and he thought he had heard these things and I was right there with him and didn't. I was down the other end of the house on the phone with a friend. I was just having a very rough day to be perfectly honest and my mom called me and said, "Are you playing music?" I said no I'm not. I'm on the phone. At first, it spooked me just a little bit. But then I heard the song, "Just the Way You Are." by Bruno Mars came on. That was our song. I thought it was too much of a coincidence and said, "James, is that you." The next song came on and was by Usher, "Yeah". It was the most comforting feeling I have ever felt in a long time. I hope that he does come to visit. I have always been open to that side of the spiritual world. And when my dad was sick and we knew he was going to be passing, I told him that I hoped he would come to visit when he could. I really hope that was a sign from James, it just seems to be to coincidental to not."

"Blue Butterfly"

"My mom died of alcoholism in September of 2022. I can’t even begin to state how devastated I was and as I grieved, I started to feel a lot of anger. In November of that year, the lights in my apartment started flickering and I said if I was my mom, to flick them again. They flickered again and I told her to get out because I was so angry. They stopped when I said to and I wasn’t sure how I felt about it. I wanted nothing to do with her at that point. Butterflies have always been a thing for me. I requested a sign of a blue butterfly after my grandfather passed and got it. When I was visiting a local park this spring, there was a butterfly that flew out of a tree and landed on my shoulder. I have never experienced that before and before I could snap a picture, it gently flew away into a nearby tree. I like to think she sent it as a message that she was okay. I think about her every single day and I hope that after living a long life and dying of old age, I’ll get to be with her again."

"Table Etching & Cardinals"

"I had not left my moms side for two days unless it was to eat or go to the bathroom as we knew she was close to the end of her life on hospice. She was uncommunicative, but I sat and talked and held her hand anyway. She could no long squeeze back but I loved feeling her hand in mine and tried to savor and remember the feeling. We had been briefed on what signs to look for as death came closer, and I noticed a slow down of breathing and some secretions and called my brother over to sit on her other side. We were talking to her and telling her we loved as her breathing slowed, and as she took her last breath and exhaled, suddenly the limp hand I had been holding started to squeeze. She squeezed so tight her arm and hand lifted off the bed with my hand in it. I stared at her face almost expecting her to open her eyes, as her limbs hadn’t moved for two days. She didn’t, and after about 5-10 seconds her hand released mine and she was gone. When I returned home after the following week of going through her things (I live across the country) I noticed a cardinal had made a nest in my backyard and would land near me when I went out in the mornings. As days turned into weeks, more and more cardinals have moved into our yard - and now I see several every day - they fly in front of me as I walk down my driveway, or sit in the trees near me in our backyard. This past weekend we held her Celebration of Life, and her older brother flew in to attend. We went to lunch the next day as it was his birthday, and picked a random restaurant that could seat us all outside. As we sat and visited, my cousin pointed to the wooden picnic table top directly in front of him - it was hard to see, but her first name “Janet” had been etched into the table with a knife. I believe she was saying she still has a seat at our table, always"


"My dad passed unexpectedly 2 months ago. It has been so hard for me and I am not a spiritual person. I’ve never been religious or believed in what happens ‘after.’ However, I have experienced so many coincidences that I am starting to question my beliefs. My dad had a favorite song that we played at his funeral. It’s not a very common song nowadays and I hear it everywhere. I hear it in stores, on the radio, and I heard it right as our family was leaving a restaurant we all used to go to together. I’ve also been seeing my parents wedding anniversary. Everywhere. I see the date 8/22 almost every day. I got gas only to see after that the pump was #8 and the total gallons I got was 22.222. I got my first speeding ticket that’s due 8/22. I bought milk and the only date they had was 8/22. I work in a pharmacy and the last 4 days I’ve seen SO MANY birthdates with 8/22. I’ve seen refill too soon dates of 8/22. It’s happened so much that now I’m wondering that the hell is going on. It’s amazing."

"TV Turning On"

"Since my sister passed on June 12th,2023, I 'd"talk" to her before I went to sleep. I let her know I'm praying she's okay and happy. I would never ask her to show a sign because I don't think she'd ever return, as her life was so difficult. This morning at 6 a.m. I was awakened by my TV turning on. Mind you, the remote was on the other side of the bed so I didn't roll over on it to cause the TV to go on. The night before I was watching a Netflix show, and when I was ready to go to sleep, I changed over to the network so I can easily find the news in the morning. The TV turned on to YouTube, which had to use the other remote. Do you know how the screen provides recommendations of what to watch, usually in a rectangular box? The very first box said "Highway to Heaven". My sister heard me. She let me know she was happy."


"My wife passed away 10 months ago and we both knew she was dying. During one of our last conversations I thought I would lighten it up a bit. I told her its been 3 years since the last time our orchids bloomed so if you can do anything from heaven to get them to bloom that would let me know your ok.. the orchids are starting to bloom..."

"Wallpaper Photo"

"I had to put my little dog down last Friday and it was the worst experience I’ve ever had to go through. I was beyond devastated. Never in my life have I ever felt that pain before. I deleted my dog’s pic from my phone wallpaper cause I wasn’t ready to look at his pic anymore, I put a picture of a sunrise instead. 8 days later I get out of my car and 2 dragonflies and a white butterfly started flying around my head so I stood there for 20 mins just watching them and talking to them saying “did Puddles send you to me, please show me a sign he’s around, if there’s a God please show me a sign I will see my dog again” I got home and my wallpaper pic on my phone was changed to my dog’s pic. I just about had a heart attack. I was never a spiritual/religious person but now I believe my dog is watching over me and I’m going to see him again on the other side. It’s true all dogs go to heaven. Thank you God [🙏🏼]"

Additional sites and resources, suggested by site-visitors, that deal with signs from our loved ones:

Neflix's "Surviving Death" Series - Episode 4

is about Signs and recommended by several My Grief Angels Community members.

Also, Episode 1 on "Near Death Experiences" and the favorite episode of most of the community members was Episode 5 on "Reincarnation". 

Also,  the Netflix Series "Life After Death with Tyler Henry"

is another popular suggestion from our online community members.

The use of real case study, historical research and narration by professors and researchers made these episodes a good watch if you are interested in these topics"

http://www.thesun.co.uk/sol/homepage/woman/real_life/4636931/sally-woodmansee-talking-to-tony-letters.html - Comfort ... Sally Woodmansee gets letters from her late son Tony. Dead son told me heaven is colorful. Tony's letter to his grieving mother Sally Woodmansee "sent from above"

TONY ON GOD - “God is the whole light, the full sense of love and good in us all. Whether we hang on tightly to all that or let it slip away is our own decision. “God is not a person. Feel good about yourself and you’re feeling God. To give love and to feel love, to love yourself, is to love God. That’s all it takes.”

TONY ON HEAVEN / The Simple Philosophy of Heaven: The true story of the unbreakable bond between mother and son - “Once you have arrived, you go to communities that are full of people you will have been connected and familiar with on Earth — family, friends and faces you know that have at some time crossed paths with your life. “It all helps in the settling in process, especially if you are young and your life is cut short or even if your passing is sudden but you weren’t ready to leave the life you loved.. “Who we are spiritually creates our boundaries here and our journey through life and beyond the physical. It is how the life we lead on Earth reflects the life we continue with here and learning to improve who we are... to love each other, genuinely love each other. “It is not a saying, it is a doing.” 

http://www.pbs.org/thisemotionallife/blogs/communicating-deceased - Communicating with the Diseased

http://www.oprah.com/spirit/Who-and-What-You-See-Before-You-Die - What We Can't Explain at the End of Life: Who and What You See Before You Die...Visions.

http://www.signsfromourlovedones.com/ - Signs From Our Loved Ones, is just that... the countless different ways in which our loved ones can and do connect with us through signs and messages


http://www.throughtheeyesofanother.com/articles/the-ten-most-common-signs-deceased-loved-ones-give-to-let-us-know-they-are-around.php - The Ten Most Common Signs Deceased Loved Ones Give to Let Us Know They Are Around

http://www.cnn.com/2010/LIVING/10/18/o.end.of.life/index.html - Do the dead greet the dying?

http://www.channelingerik.com/about/ - Erik Rune Medhus, my 20 year old son, took his own life on October 6, 2009. Since that sad and tragic day, an overwhelming sense of grief and despair propelled me into a search for answers.Through dreams, visitations and channeling, he describes what happens during the death process

If you would like to share signs you have experienced,

please include them in the form the top of this section and put Signs in the subject line - Thank You

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Google's advertising requirements can be summed up by Google's Advertising Principles. They are put in place to provide a positive experience for users. https://support.google.com/adwordspolicy/answer/1316548?hl=en 

We use Google AdSense Advertising on our website. 

Google, as a third party vendor, uses cookies to serve ads on our site. Google's use of the DART cookie enables it to serve ads to our users based on their visit to our site and other sites on the Internet. Users may opt out of the use of the DART cookie by visiting the Google ad and content network privacy policy.

We have implemented the following:

      • Remarketing with Google AdSense

      • Google Display Network Impression Reporting

      • Demographics and Interests Reporting

      • DoubleClick Platform Integration 

We along with third-party vendors, such as Google use first-party cookies (such as the Google Analytics cookies) and third-party cookies (such as the DoubleClick cookie) or other third-party identifiers together to compile data regarding user interactions with ad impressions, and other ad service functions as they relate to our website.

Opting out:

Users can set preferences for how Google advertises to you using the Google Ad Settings page. Alternatively, you can opt out by visiting the Network Advertising initiative opt out page or permanently using the Google Analytics Opt Out Browser add on. 

California Online Privacy Protection Act 

CalOPPA is the first state law in the nation to require commercial websites and online services to post a privacy policy. The law's reach stretches well beyond California to require a person or company in the United States (and conceivably the world) that operates websites collecting personally identifiable information from California consumers to post a conspicuous privacy policy on its website stating exactly the information being collected and those individuals with whom it is being shared, and to comply with this policy. - See more at: http://consumercal.org/california-online-privacy-protection-act-caloppa/#sthash.0FdRbT51.dpuf

According to CalOPPA we agree to the following:

Users can visit our site anonymously

Once this privacy policy is created, we will add a link to it on our home page, or as a minimum on the first significant page after entering our website.

Our Privacy Policy link includes the word 'Privacy', and can be easily be found on the page specified above. 

Users will be notified of any privacy policy changes:

      • On our Privacy Policy Page

Users are able to change their personal information:

      • By logging in to their account 

How does our site handle do not track signals?

We honor do not track signals and do not track, plant cookies, or use advertising when a Do Not Track (DNT) browser mechanism is in place. 

Does our site allow third party behavioral tracking?

It's also important to note that we allow third party behavioral tracking

COPPA (Children Online Privacy Protection Act) 

When it comes to the collection of personal information from children under 13, the Children's Online Privacy Protection Act (COPPA) puts parents in control. The Federal Trade Commission, the nation's consumer protection agency, enforces the COPPA Rule, which spells out what operators of websites and online services must do to protect children's privacy and safety online. 

We do not specifically market to children under 13.

As soon as possible after we become aware of the data breach


The CAN-SPAM Act is a law that sets the rules for commercial email, establishes requirements for commercial messages, gives recipients the right to have emails stopped from being sent to them, and spells out tough penalties for violations.

We collect your email address in order to:

      • Send information, respond to inquiries, and/or other requests or questions.

      • Market to our mailing list or continue to send emails to our clients after the original transaction has occurred

To be accordance with CANSPAM we agree to the following:

      • NOT use false, or misleading subjects or email addresses

      • Identify the message as an advertisement in some reasonable way

      • Include the physical address of our business or site headquarters

      • Monitor third party email marketing services for compliance, if one is used.

      • Honor opt-out/unsubscribe requests quickly

      • Allow users to unsubscribe by using the link at the bottom of each email, or emailing us at f@mygriefangels.org with the subject line indicating: Opt Out.


Details and statements contained in this website, MyGriefAngels.com (the Site), are provided solely for informational purposes by My Grief Angels Group. The information provided is not intended to be a complete description of My Grief Angels Group’s products or services

Neither My Grief Angels Group nor any of its affiliates, partners, directors, employees or other representatives will be liable for damages arising out of or in connection with the use of this Web site or the information, content, materials or products included on it. This is a comprehensive limitation of liability that applies to all damages of any kind, including (without limitation) compensatory, direct, indirect or consequential damages, loss of data, income or profit, loss of or damage to property and claims of third parties.

Visitors who use this website and rely on any information do so at their own risk. We aim to keep the information on the site as current, accurate and complete as possible. However, My Grief Angels Group, content authors, any of their affiliates, partners, directors, employees or other representatives make no (and expressly disclaim) representations or warranties of any kind, express or implied, with respect to any use of or inability to use the information, content, or materials included on this website. Nor will we be responsible for any damage or loss related to, the timeliness, accuracy, or completeness of the information, services, products, or other material on this site. Under no circumstances will My Grief Angels Group, content authors, any of their affiliates, partners, directors, employees or other representatives be liable for any consequence relating directly or indirectly to any action or inaction you take based on the information, services or other material on this site.

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This Site engages its reader by allowing them to submit comments and commentary on a variety of subjects. Your use of this site, whether by reading or participating in the conversation by submitting commentary, is subject to administrative moderation. This means that My Grief Angels Group reserves the right, in its sole and absolute discretion: to review, edit, and approve comments prior to posting; to stop certain comments from displaying due to their nature or inappropriateness to the topic and/or discussion. Comments are displayed for discussion purposes only. They do not represent the opinions or recommendations of My Grief Angels Group or its employees.

Submitted content

Any text, images, video, or other information (referred to here as “Content”) you submit to My Grief Angels Group, including profile information, blog commentary, or your name and e-mail, you affirm, represent and warrant that you own the right to utilize, license and sub-license the Content and grant My Grief Angels Group a non-exclusive, worldwide, paid-up, royalty-free and irrevocable perpetual license to use, assign, display, distribute, and to reproduce in whole or in part. You also grant the right of My Grief Angels Group to modify the Content in any manner, in whole or part, without any restrictions to you, for the sole intended purpose of the Site and/or services provided. You also grant to each user of the Site a non-exclusive license to access the Content through the Site and to use, reproduce, distribute, and display such Content as permitted through the functionality of the Site and under this Agreement.

For any Content you post that you do not own, you guarantee to us that you have the legal right to post such Content and that it will not violate any law or the rights of any person or entity. You are guaranteeing that you are not posting any Content without permission of the owner of the content.

Off-site URL Linking

Any links or URL addresses to other websites, and videos provided by other websites, not controlled by My Grief Angels Group are provided as a convenience only; My Grief Angels Group does not author, monitor or control these independent sites. Therefore, we do not approve, endorse or certify any information or content of those sites or of their advertisers. My Grief Angels Group is not responsible for the content or accuracy of any external web site.

Trademark Use

The trademarks, logos and service marks (“Marks”) displayed on the website are owned by My Grief Angels Group and may not be used without written permission by the My Grief Angels Group.