Order of the Golden Rule
My Grief Angels 
Is for and by the over 1 million people grieving that have used this site, and for the thousands who have participated in the over 1,000 Free Virtual Grief Support Groups and the Free Grief Chat Online Community to date...
Guidestar My Grief Angels Platinum Profile

IF YOU ARE CURRENTLY experiencing any suicidal thoughts; including thoughts of harming yourself or others,
PLEASE CALL OR MESSAGE THE SUICIDE LINE AT 988 IMMEDIATELY.  The resources shared in this site are shared as secondary support services and organizations, and NEVER a replacement for seeking IMMEDIATE EMERGENCY HELP from the SUICIDE LINE at 988 - which is OPEN 24/7 and FREE to all or

if you cannot reach them - call 911.

My Grief Angels is a 100% volunteer-created,developed and managed public non-profit for & by people grieving. All shared grief journeys and stories in this site are by real people grieving, and in some cases "AI Grief Avatars/Griefatars" are used to read and further highlight some of the incredibly powerful real-life shared stories.

Infographic: How the Ukrainian Refugee Crisis Compares Globally | Statista You will find more infographics at Statista
Proportionate Distribution of International Migrants, By Region and Country or Area of Origin, 2020



The first of the family to immigrate. 

Our aunt came to an unknown land;

not speaking the language,

and willing to work anywhere to survive and

help the family left behind. 

with the low wages she earned at

a downtown los angeles/Ca clothing factory,

she was barely surviving financially and

against the advice of many who told her to just help herself -

she chose to help other family members immigrate.

Mom and dad

in love at a beach paradise circa 1953,


as it happens to many refugee and immigrant families -

with zero

expectation or knowledge

that only a few years later they would leave

everything and

everyone behind

to seek a better life for their children in Europe and

later the

United States of america.

Proportionate Distribution of International Migrants, By Region and Country or Area of Destination, 2020

"My Grief Angels"

is dedicated to

refugees and




was created



our own refugee and

immigrant family:

our parents,


AND the extended family