Order of the Golden Rule
My Grief Angels 
Is for and by the over 1 million people grieving that have used this site, and for the thousands who have participated in the over 1,000 Free Virtual Grief Support Groups and the Free Grief Chat Online Community to date...
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IF YOU ARE CURRENTLY experiencing any suicidal thoughts; including thoughts of harming yourself or others,
PLEASE CALL OR MESSAGE THE SUICIDE LINE AT 988 IMMEDIATELY.  The resources shared in this site are shared as secondary support services and organizations, and NEVER a replacement for seeking IMMEDIATE EMERGENCY HELP from the SUICIDE LINE at 988 - which is OPEN 24/7 and FREE to all or

if you cannot reach them - call 911.

My Grief Angels is a 100% volunteer-created,developed and managed public non-profit for & by people grieving. All shared grief journeys and stories in this site are by real people grieving, and in some cases "AI Grief Avatars/Griefatars" are used to read and further highlight some of the incredibly powerful real-life shared stories.

Life & Home insurance grief:

While most life and home insurance companies are good corporate citizens that know the pain that grieving families may already be going thru and they make the filing process for grieving families as simple as possible - we unfortunately have and continue to receive a great deal of complaints from our online community members; our vitual grief support groups participants and others on how some Life and Home Insurance Companies have made their ability to grieve their loved ones and/or their homes & their communities even harder by the additional pain and suffering they have caused them when filing for their loved ones life insurance policies.

We hope you and yours are not one of these families having to deal with some of these horror stories, but as a small way to try to help - several volunteers with MyGriefAngels.org have put together the list of links below on some of the Federal, National and International agengies and groups that you can file complaints against these bad actors.

IMPORTANT: Make sure to save all your paperwork/email communications, and make sure to file clear, concise and detailed complaints with key backup documentation. The easier you make it for regulators to clearly see the unethical behavior of the group you are filing a complaint against the better, and at all times.

Below are some suggestions by online community members and virtual group participants on agencies and groups where you might be able to file complaints based on your own experience:

1.  Insurance Regulators by STATE:  Most States have Insurance regulators; including your own state; the state where the group you are filing a complaint against and/or the state where your loved one's life insurance was issued in.   You may want to file in each of those States, but always consult a legal advisor as to what is the best course of action for you and yours. As an educational example, a couple of State Regulators links are included below so you maybe better aware of what to look for in your own State:

- California State:  https://www.insurance.ca.gov/01-consumers/101-help/index.cfm

- Illinois: https://idoi.illinois.gov/consumers/file-a-complaint.html

- Iowa (Known as the USA's Insurance Capital): https://iid.iowa.gov/consumers/filing-complaints

- Massachusetts:     https://www.mass.gov/file-an-insurance-complaint

- New York State:  https://www.dfs.ny.gov/complaint

- Ohio: https://insurance.ohio.gov/about-us/complaint-center

- Texas: https://www.tdi.texas.gov/consumer/get-help-with-an-insurance-complaint.html

- List of USA Life Insurance Companies with Addresses

2. FEDERAL Level Regulators and Agencies to File Life Insurance Complaints with:

You can file a complaint about a life insurance company at the federal level with the following organizations.

Before filing a complaint, you should:
- Talk to your insurance company and follow their appeal process
- Ask about the appeal process before filing a complaint with an outside party

Federal Trade Commission (FTC) - Report Fraud/File a Complaint at https://reportfraud.ftc.gov/
The FTC's Bureau of Consumer Protection (BCP) works to stop unfair, deceptive, and fraudulent business practices 
Consumer Financial Protection Bureau. You can call the CFPB at (855) 411-2372, Monday through Friday, 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. ET, except federal holidays

Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB):

Securities Exchange Commission:


Econsumer.gov, a project of the International Consumer Protection and Enforcement Network (ICPEN), is a partnership of more than 65 consumer protection agencies around the world. Report international scams and take more steps to resolve your complaint. Your complaint helps consumer protection agencies spot trends and work together to prevent international fraud.

Better Business  Bureau (BBB):

The BBB gets mixed reviews from online community members on its effectiveness, but most found it helpful in researching complaints filed against the life insurance company you are dealing with.

3. Social Media Platforms:

Several online community members also suggested you consider sharing your experience with the life insurance company or your complaint on social media sites and/or consumer review sites; including:

- TrustPilot

- Facebook

- Google Reviews

- Yelp Reviews

- NextDoor Communities

- Consumer Reviews

Please know, and sadly to say, that we hear from many people in the online community and virtual groups that are dealing with the death of a loved one and have unfortunately also found themselves dealing with difficult journeys with their loved one's Life Insurance company.


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